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Programmable Quantum Computer Created 132

An anonymous reader writes "A team at NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) used berylium ions, lasers and electrodes to develop a quantum system that performed 160 randomly chosen routines. Other quantum systems to date have only been able to perform single, prescribed tasks. Other researchers say the system could be scaled up. 'The researchers ran each program 900 times. On average, the quantum computer operated accurately 79 percent of the time, the team reported in their paper.'"

Comment Not just disabilities. (Score 1) 55

"a wearable robotic suit that assists the muscles when carrying out strenuous tasks" So while it can help people with weak or disabled muscles regain more of their strength (if not now, then in the future), it might also be great for heavy labour like hauling things. I think a lot of companies would pay to have this as part of a regular work uniform like hard hats and boots, if only to duck the insurance claims.

Comment Re:Periods and commas. (Score 1) 420

No, no, wait, we can still milk some literary merit out of this.

I went to the supermarket to buy some cola.

That's fine.


And, while at the cash, the item I'd been trying to remember all this while came back to me.

and condoms

A small moment of hope and optimism followed.


Until I paused to reflect and concluded that it would be not much use at all. There, fixed that for you.

Comment Yes! (Score 2, Insightful) 541

Absolutely. Peace isn't merely politicians negotiating treaties, public-spirited volunteers planting trees, religious leaders preaching tolerance, or organisations raising money to save endangered species. Peace is an instrument towards achieving open-minded and open-hearted coöperation amongst people from a wide variety of cultures, ethnicities and countries working towards creating solutions for the common welfare. If anyone deserves the Peace prize, Linus Torvalds probably does. Or perhaps the open-source movement, as a whole. Software may not be as visible as loud activists and marching protesters, but it has achieved the kind of collaboration amongst interested private individuals and companies that the environmental movement or any of various well-meaning political groups can only envy.

Comment Re:Quick question (Score 1) 627

They violated 17 UN resolutions.

Ooh... bite me.

tried to assassinate a former US president

So we invade an entire country?

fired at our soldiers who were there enforcing an UN mandate

Which means a UN force should have dealt with them.

and do I need to bring up the mass graves filled with men and women still clutching their toddler children?

Sad, I know, but it's really not our place to police the world. Or if it is, why not take China to task? Oh I know. They actually do have WMDs. Reminds me of that bit from Yes, Minister:
Hacker: We should protect the weak from the powerful!
Appleby: Oh really? Why don't we fight the Soviets in Afghanistan then?
Hacker: They are... too powerful!

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