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Comment Re: Nice work if you can get it (Score 1) 132

Yes, BUT when you go deeper into the science it's the other way around - our perception built on the actual product/service (or even its ceo) and influenced by the views of people around us & people we look up to (incl subconsciously) result in our projecting certain quality on logos brands colors shapes etc.
In the absence of any tangible product or such when people are shown random non-identifiable logos in shapes n colors their response is random except for say a dislike of weired non symmetrical shapes and few such things.

Comment The one regulation that's urgently needed now (Score 1) 60

What we need, imho, is to mandate that users must have option to control / tweak the material parameters of the algorithms that select what is shown and not shown to them

Or failing that, at least a clear disclosure of what algorithms are running and what are they promoting/demoting for various groups/types of users. (Maybe incl the data set used to train and the parameters it's trying to maximize or such)

And maybe a small per post charge beyond say 10-20 posts per day.
That could even go towards some independent body to oversee the algo disclosure / controls like the self regulating industry bodies for advt/news etc.

Even if all this affects the corporate's IP to some extent. IP cant trump disclosing what you put in the food or meds you sell so it shouldn't be an issue here.

The downside of black box algos is now quite real and the unintended weird social /psychological consequences are only going to explode.

Every new tech has had some of this sort of regulation throughout history when it affects the public. And software has somehow managed to keep stuff completely hidden even to the extent of not being disclosed in court or criminal cases etc without many hoops to jump through.

The worst thing that can happen is that at least blatantly stupid or insecure software gets outed. Plus people at least get to discuss issues in the open rather than speculating blindly.

I mean, for eg, we will never even know something as basic as why does windows defender says microsoft office is a ransomware ! :) Does it do that to other safe sw too or is ms office actually doing stupid things. Probably both.

Comment Re: Dear Ontario... (Score 1) 83

The vast majority of noncustodial (self-custodial is a better word) wallets have a super dumb design when it comes to pvt keys and recovery mechanisms.

I have been trying out all the arcane web3 crypto stuff (basically everything except bitcoin) and its quite a brain dead thing logging into these services with your wallet n pvt key. Probably even 50yo SSH did it better.

But worry not, Jack Dorsey's wallet is fixing all this

Comment Any actual firsthand victims of Crypto here ? (Score 1) 83

I am wondering how come we dont hear from any actual firathand victims of crypto here ?
And don't tell me its Decentralized victimhood :)

We only hear people with all sorts of theories about crypto who ignore the fact that in actual practice most of the crypto stuff has somehow been working to garner a Trillion dollars of market cap and volumes regardless of how we think it's all a house of cards. You have govts and corporates and funds and the highest networth individuals owning billions of it and the bubble has been sustaining even with 2-4x drops in prices and so much opposition. We should've seen a run on it by now or at least on everything except BTC ETH and a handful of others like polygon etc

Comment Re: It's a statement of fact (Score 1) 61

I think it's way more beneficial to be a bit suspicious & critical of one's own government in this age, than just being closed to any PoV opposite to the US Govt.

I mean we see proof of govt malice and fuck ups every single day. That's the nature of even the best governance systems that we have.

Agreeing with the govt narrative that the enemy is batshit crazy and does things for no discernible rational benefits almost always means we are being misguided.

Once you leave that narrative and are open to thinking, let's even say from a devil's advocate PoV, you will definitely discover the logical reasons for this war which is costing both Ukraine and Russia enormously.

Even something as simple and established as Putin "publicly" moving troops near the Ukraine border for a Whole YEAR tells u something important.

Comment Re: My first boss said it best (Score 1) 22

:) That's true.

Till you realize one day that you need to present something to completely misdirect your audience, hide all the important data and highlight bits n pieces that make your audience infer the opposite of what you've actually found out, dumb down the most complex things / issues so that is easily overlooked, ask for insane budget and resources by justifying them with the weirdest benchmarks, show up most of your department's mistakes and missed targets as achievements (in light unstated of new info), triviliaze the huge efforts needed from every other department and set them up with crazy deadlines while your own are always waiting on these other lazy groups, seduce management with some ego feeding super impressive shiny video or walkthrough or tech simulation or brilliant biz/fin models without showing the crazy excel formulas or assumptions PLUS have a few months of "updates" ready by minor tweaks to most of the tables & pics.

Then you fall in love with PowerPoint for ever.

Nothing else is so good at hiding & spinning stuff with the plausible deniability of a PowerPoint presentation!

We even had one guy with a 5 part template where he would get mgmt approval by showing some off the charts IRR and then in the next 4 monthly updates certain parameters/assumptions outside our control would creep up slowly to finally get the IRR back to a realistic achieveable number (which obviously would never have been approved by mgmt if show at the first ppt)

Comment Re: Can't understand the huffing and puffing (Score 1) 85

Those tablet subscriptions are essential for your health considering the BMI Covid link. Should be mandatory for all citizens actually.

Why do people assume Peloton or Pfizer or any Corporation would lie to increase their sales ??

They have watertight peer reviewed studies, probably hundreds of them, with at least a few showing real benefits.

Comment Re: So... (Score 1) 127

Emojis. You've to say it with emojis, the complex nuanced language developed by Zuck.

Does meta mgmt have nothing else to do than make up zero utility braindead policies for FB IG etc ? How does it matter what anyone says or if FB likes it or not ?
No ones going to do any killing bcoz of FB.

TBH the UN is sorta in the same boat what with the accused nation allowed to veto and all.

Comment Re: Digital value asset vs risky tech investment? (Score 1) 168

Everything is just 1s and 0s in a computer. Incl your comment. Or Facebook/Meta. Waste of energy - yes. Dont have any intrinsic value - yes.

Is the intrinsic value of a potato more at a Michelin star restaurant than if I boil it ?
What about a Zara dress ?

Why is USD preferred when any currency in sufficient amount would provide the same value ? Do you trust it will be more stable or something ? Accepted everywhere ?

It's the same with bitcoin. Some people like it and put their money in it. Others dont.
Just like some people think sci fi is stupid while others think Shakespeare is pointless. Intrinsic value of Mona Lisa ? It's not even realistically painted in my view

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