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Comment Re:complexity, or lack thereof, reveals understand (Score 1) 381

" Often such code came from self-educated software developers."
  think that's a bias, but I would love to see an actual study .
The most overly complex code I have ever seen have been from MIT and Cal-Tech.
The worst code I have ever scenes has been from self taught 'web masters' Worst in that they clearly didn't understand basic concepts of software.

Comment Re:It's dead either way, why not try this? (Score 1) 371

What you want exists under the Part 5 rules, which you can read here. That is a separate radio service that allows experimentation for commercial purposes and other things that would not fit in Amateur radio. You have to file notices, but you can do what you want, and on a lot of different frequencies.

The Part 97 rules for the Amateur Sevice create a pretty good balance between the needs of all of the various users of Amateur radio. It's not really designed for all sorts of experimentation without limit, it's more for experimentation by individuals with explicitly non-profit and personal motivation.

Comment Re: Because it's radio (Score 1) 371

Well, I really do appreciate that we keep folks who can't articulate themselves without resorting to swear words out of the ham community, and that they have to take a test as well. The people we talk with on ham radio meet a higher standard than you'd meet in the local bar, or come to think of it, on Slashdot. And I'm not the slightest bit interested in lowering that standard.

Comment Re:I resent them (Score 1) 334

Have you considered that people who already regularly get pussy don't need to take charity from corporations in order to have a nice pair of tits in their face?

Yes, that's exactly right.

I appreciate a pretty woman (and, fortunately, am married to one), but I'd rather not have that appreciation manipulated for someone else's commercial gain.

Comment Re:It's dead either way, why not try this? (Score 1) 371

Wouldn't this make the medium a much more relevant and useful tool in the modern age

No, it really would not.

What it would make it is duplicative of functionality of internet, the cellular network, WiFi and WiMAX, and point-to-point links on Part 15 bands. You can already use all of those to do whatever you want, including commercial and obscene material.

One of the most important means of preserving it as a sandbox for experimenters is that the whole commercial world is excluded. So, there's room for us.

Comment Because it's radio (Score 1) 371


I think you missed the point that we are talkinig about radio.

When people fill a page with noise on Slashdot, they aren't really using up a scarce resource. Slashdot would just get more servers if they ran out of bandwidth to present blather to readers. So, the only thing that's really being wasted is the reader's time, and the reader has mechanisms to avoid that such as moderation, and I think "foe" lists (I haven't tried them).

On radio, in contrast, frequencies in which to operate are a scarce resource. So, that noise is getting in the way of a more useful communication. And while we can tune off the channel, we don't have an infinite supply of other channels to use.

The situation is made worse by radio propogation, which makes many of the frequencies we do have unusable for much of the time; by issues like the hidden-transmitter problem, which make frequencies that might appear usable by one station unusable by the one he's trying to talk with; and by various incompatible sharing partners, the worst being PAVE PAWS out here in California. So, frequencies in which you can do something useful become scarce.

So, we have valid reasons to keep as much noise as possible off of the Amateur bands.

Comment Re:It's dead either way, why not try this? (Score 1) 371

You're the guy who quoted from a far-right nutcase site and named them "a reliable source". It just doesn't work to blather anyhing you want using garbage for substantion and expect anyone with sense to buy your arguments.

Hopefully they'll teach you better by the time you're out of middle school.

Comment Re:It's dead either way, why not try this? (Score 1) 371

I think you should pull off a successful non-profit project like Codec2 for the good of all Amateur Radio (and lots of the world outside of Amateur Radio) before you question my motives. That one really isn't called for.

The motive is to keep it open. That's really simple.

I continue to reject the premise that since there could be possible abuses that might not be handled by the rule or might not be caught, that we must allow all possible abuses. I don't leave my doors unlocked because a burglar might break the window.

Comment Re:It's dead either way, why not try this? (Score 0) 371

But that's a bizarre argument. Many uses other than encryption might also do this (lets say, hypothetically, that it was indeed a Public Radio Entropy Source)

So, we're going to take an empty channel, filled with random noise, and replace it with a transmission filled with random noise! Which will be less random than what we started with.

I'm not impressed yet :-)

Go on believing that steganography can't be detected. I'd rather be able to watch you, if necessary, than not.

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