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Comment Re:Getting an education today is hard (Score 1) 289

I mean Win 3.1 at least came with qbasic

Don't want to be nitpicky, but it was MS-DOS (>=5.0) that came with qbasic, not Win 3.1.

Although I might not know if win 3.1 really did come with qbasic too (but I doubt it) since we had only Win 3.0 (and MS-DOS 5.0).

Again, don't want to come off like an ass - your post was excellent.

Comment Re:Intrusive (Score 1) 321

Tip: If you genuinely feel you would assault someone for legally filming you in a public place, get psychiatric help now. You're a danger to yourself and others.

And this applies to everyone else on this thread who made similar comments.

Thank you - someone really needed to say this. Hell, even as a lame nerd fantasy I think it's twisted.

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