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Comment Re:Not commercially meaningful? (Score 2, Informative) 58

now why would a mime do that?

Despite being trapped in a glass box, a painfully high wind inevitably rises up, and no amount of invisible rope is going to save you from a pummeling. I mean, you're trapped in a box made of glass! Many of them can't take the pressure and mime shooting themselves in the head. A lot of them miss -- with an invisible gun and bullets, this is perhaps inevitable -- but many hit their mark all too well, causing a great red flower to burst from their temples.

Mimes are a truly misunderstood underclass, deserving of our pity, not our scorn.

Comment Re:Standards change. (Score 1) 272

When I read, I *want* to learn. That's why I read non-fiction mostly. It's full of facts, you know things that actually happen. Fiction is full of made up stuff, which can be entertaining, but not really informative.

Yes, because non-fiction books are always completely true.

Here's something for you: sometimes, lies are truer than the supposed truth. Sometimes, you can learn more from something that never happened and never could, than you can from something that really did.

Comment Tea and pramwiches (Score 5, Insightful) 216

"Anytime you're working with a baby pram where you're, say, also carrying diapers, our chainsaw is used to do things like verify that the Pampers fit on that little shelf underneath. If you're carrying some groceries as well, the chainsaw verifies that you don't try to fit too much on there. When you push the pram, the chainsaw makes sure you push it to the right place. All of this stuff has the chainsaw behind the scenes making it work and it's difficult to remove without causing problems," Arkin explained.

Comment Re:Will this "FAIR" decision will include Apple? (Score 1) 336

It has no control over what decisions dell,hp,sony etc make with regards to bundling

Sure, as long as it's bundled with Windows. To use another car analogy, that's rather reminiscent of Henry Ford's fabled "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."

Microsoft's stranglehold on desktop computing was despite it not being a hardware company. It was a software company that had a bunch of hardware companies at its beck and call.

Comment Re:Will this "FAIR" decision will include Apple? (Score 1) 336

So Legally MS is gimped, and Apple walks away free? How is that fair? Oh right because we hate Microsoft.

No, because Microsoft has had a stranglehold on the desktop computer industry for years. When you are a monopoly, the same rules do not apply to your company as do to the rest of the industry in question.

Complaining about Apple controlling the Apple computer market is like complaining Toyota controls the Toyota car market. Microsoft has controlled 90%+ of the worldwide desktop computer market for going on three decades now and has been repeatedly busted engaging in illegal, anti-competitive practices. They *shouldn't* be treated the same as Apple or any other company until they stop abusing their dominant position.

Crying "unfair" for poor Microsoft is really, really funny. Being a Microsoft apologist is really amusing, too, but if you feel like defending that behemoth from a bunch of mean Internet posters, knock yourself out.

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