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Comment Wrong way (Score 1) 776

Soda? Who would like to consume NaCO3 in any form?

Jokes aside, the whole area of luxury consumption - like junk food and sugar-drinks - is highly inflamed and mired down in huge, economic interests. Whole sectors of industry all across the world would collapse if people suddenly started to eat and drink only healthily; yet there is no doubt that this same consumer life-style is the biggest cause of preventable, early death, disability and general bad health.

People often say "nobody is forcing you to buy junk food", when you criticize the junk-food industry; but that is a superficial argument that is not justified. As all modern research into the causes of obesity shows very clearly, it is not simply a matter of personal choice, whether you eat too much junk; and anybody who has tried to fight a serious weight problem will know from experience that it takes more than mere will-power to stay away from the calories. Our bodies and instincts are programmed to make us fatten up when we are surrounded by abundance. When you turn on the tv you are constantly indoctrinated to go and consume junk food, and when you go to the supermarket the displays are brimming with it; you will be hard put to find a quick and easy, healthy option. So is it really a matter of personal choice? I don't think so.

What one should remember is that these things are neither human fundamental rights nor basic food-stuffs; they are luxuries. And while luxury can be nice from time to time, it simply get trivial and not actually enjoyable when you have it all the time.

I don't know what is the best way forward, but the present situation is simply not sustainable. Personally, I would like to see a situation where basic, healthy necessities were abundant and easy to find everywhere, but luxury items were something you would have to go out of your way to find; not the other way around.

Comment Not even a good name (Score 1) 224

Reservella? Seriouslly!? Did the executives just get drunk at happy hour one day and come up with the fake company to sue with then?

Red Suit: We-We need a name that says the company totally reserved the rights for the stuff.
Blue Suit: How abouuuuut...Re...ser...vella?
Red Suit: Yes. Yes, write that down and we can count this entire Bangkok trip as a business expense!
Blue Suit: Awesome, someone get an 8-year-old boy to deliver us some blow. We'll use 'em both up!

Comment Re:any story about this that doesn't mention Fark. (Score 2, Insightful) 263

Believe it or not, the people over on Fark are being very measured about what we should and shouldn't do. Mostly, we've been getting proxies to reliable collectors and figuring out which Twitter feeds are reliable by checking how much of their information is later proven true. The other focus is assembling an accurate picture of what exactly is going over there without endangering protesters since the mainsteam media is completely dropping the ball on this.

It sounds like you haven't even glanced at the Fark effort. If so, you're making the exactly same mistake you just accused us; blindly blurting out uninformed and detrimental analysis on a situation you only know a tiny bit about. So before you go and discredit the hard work of Tatsuma, why not scroll up to his pasted summary and point out what exactly about it is false or is hurting the Iranian protesters' cause.

Comment Re:Shades of mysogeny and role reversal (Score 4, Insightful) 852

I disagree. You're hand picking facts. Everybody suffers in Battlestar, not just the women. Saul loses an eye. Cavil describes being left to die and having to take his own life by scraping open an artery using a bullet casing. The first time we meet Leoben, he's dying of radiation. The second time? We get to watch Starbuck torture him for a whole hour before Roslyn tosses him out the airlock. Surely you didn't miss the part the part where Anders gets the bullet in his head and is then flown into the sun by his own wife?

Sorry, but I don't see any bias against any sex in this show. Not even in sex appeal with the way women keep oogling that towel shot of Apollo.

Comment Clarke's Third Law (Score 5, Insightful) 852

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The 'higher power' in Battlestar is probably not a divine entity, but a remnant of the ancient society of Kobal that wants to see humanity survive. This chessmaster knew what it was doing though, so it's origin and motives are never explicitly stated.

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