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Comment Re:don't want to see ads I pay for at all (Score 5, Interesting) 196

One more reason why people are not too keen on metered internet.

Unlike say a cell phone, I know if I use it for 30 minutes I have used, 30 minutes. Whereas if I visit a random website it might have multiple videos playing and will eat up a bunch of data, and I have no way of knowing this till the page has loaded.

Comment Re:Answer (Score 2) 123

> And have you seen some of the stuff they do? Not exactly kid friendly.


Game of Thrones
True Blood
The Sopranos

Somehow I don't think HBO would bat an eye at some off color jokes. Now make if this comedian was a hot young chick and willing to get naked on stage, then HBO might take notice.

Comment Re:How's that so bad? (Score 1) 128

Because despite how we see ourselves, we are not an ideal demographic for shows.
Scifi shows are one of the most expensive genres to make, and the good ones often need talented (expensive) people to make them, and then lack the mass appeal.

It's the same reason why when you hear they are "attracting a larger audience", it means they are dumbing it down.

The average TV watcher probably does not care for more stuff like Firefly, while those that do have moved onto other platforms for their content.

Comment Re:well Apple did F**K up. (Score 1) 102

If you would have bothered to read OP's comment he is clearly trying to suggest that the government is for some reason becoming more open to to it's criticas by siding with them in a copyright suit which they historically side with their own regardless of the circumstances.

> it sounds like the Chinese government ruled in favor of writers that are popular for criticizing the Chinese government.

> While I'm not their biggest fan, this is a pretty big step for them.

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