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Comment Re:I agree on non-software fail-safes (Score 1) 499

A much better solution is to get rid of the lazy people and their automatic transmissions and go back to manual transmissions.

I drive a car with a manual transmission, and I don't have to worry about my car accelerating without my approval -- I can put it in neutral.

Also, if anyone complains that manual is too hard to use/learn, FUCK THEM. THROW THEM ON THE FIRE. MORE MEAT FOR THE OTHER MEAT EATERS.

Ahem. Sorry.

Comment Re:Nothing to see here.... (Score 3, Interesting) 303

Parent is insightful, +5.

We have, as a nation, in the name of Corporate Greed and the Maximization of Profit, destroyed our manufacturing sector, which was the world's greatest after WW2. We have ceased to create real Wealth, and now we produce only imaginary Wealth. Not everyone can be a Doctor or a Lawyer or an Engineer. We need actual jobs that actually produce things.

Our entire system is based on a redistribution of wealth; we take it from the many and concentrate it into the hands of the few.

Comment Re:A partial solution: (Score 1) 629

As a member of an obscure sect of the Rinzai School of Zen, I would smack you upside the head if I were in your presence.

The Buddha was a man. You must judge his ideas and opinions yourself to determine their validity to your particular situation, experience, and temperament.

If we're going with things that Siddhartha Gautama is said to have said, look at the last three things he said before he died:

  • That was the most delicious meal I have ever eaten.
  • Do not pray to me when I am gone, for when I am gone, I truly shall be gone.
  • Be lamps unto yourselves; work out your own salvation with diligence.

The Buddha was right about everything, and he was right about absolutely nothing. His words are perfect, and they are absolute shit. They cannot exist in a vacuum, and must be realised for what lies beyond their meaning in a human mind to have any value.

Comment Re:Still gonna suck. (Score 1) 589

Fuck Ring World. Want to make a Niven novel into a visual feast for the senses, go for the Integral Trees!

Fuck Integral Trees! If you want to make a Niven novel into a movie, do Protector in the style of Kubrick's 2001.

Also, it's Ringworld, not Ring World.

The Brennan-monster.

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