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Comment Re:Bond space movies (Score 1) 550

Oh man, I thought "Casino Royale" and Daniel Craig were amazing. This reboot of Bond has been truly awesome.

The gadgets in the previous iteration were just getting ridiculous by the end. I think they were trying to combat the fact that just doing something with a cell phone and GPS wasn't really that impressive anymore. Bond has always been known for having fanciful gadgets but I've really enjoyed the "back to basics" approach with Craig. The parkour sequence is a perfect example of this. That's got to be one of the best chase scenes of all time and there are no goofy gadgets or cars going off of ramps involved.

I liked Brosnan as Bond quite a lot. Unfortunately, there's only so much an actor can do to overcome a poorly thought out movie or terrible special effects. I thought the storyline and more complex plots found in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace were really compelling.

Hrm, now you've got me wanting to go back and watch some more of the older ones (Moore / Connery). It's been at least 10 years since I've watched any of them. I've forgotten most of them.

Comment Re:Dock/Taskbar design (Score 1) 688

Actually you can do just about all of those things in Windows 7. You can easily add folders to the common save dialog. Although it doesn't come OOTB I know you can get some Microsoft power toy that lets you right click and open a command line anywhere. Taskbar shuffling is built-in in 7. I haven't messed with keyboard shortcuts yet, I've only been running 7 for a week or two.

Moving the users folder is annoying but if you're coding properly it shouldn't matter. It's only a hassle if you've written code or scripts that directly access it rather than asking the OS for the user folder.

As for your batch file - why would Microsoft encourage people to use the command line? Sure, for 1% of the population the command line is useful. However, these people don't need MS hand holding to get there. I couldn't imagine teaching my mom or my sister how to do anything that involves a command line. I don't even want them to know it exists - They would probably inadvertently delete the contents of their user directory.

Look, I'm not saying 7 is perfect, but I am getting tired of people whining about features it's already got or saying that XP already does everything when it doesn't.

Comment Re:seriously? (Score 1) 550

They already made that James Bond movie and it was dreadful. It involved an invisible car and Bond surfing on a wave that looked like it came out of a 16bit video game. That's not to say I wouldn't watch a movie based on an awesome space-based solar collector destroying the word but it better be good this time.

Comment Re:Dock/Taskbar design (Score 4, Interesting) 688

I'm really enjoying Windows 7 (aside from audio troubles in L4D). Thus far I've been impressed with the stability, performance and compatibility. I do, however, wholeheartedly agree with the assessment regarding price - it's absurd. Yes, Win 7 is a big improvement. It's also the sort of polished product one would have expected when they first bought Vista. We all know Microsoft is desperately hoping to win back some respect with Win 7. You'd think they'd have the brains to fix the pricing / packaging issues at the same time. Apparently, that's not the case.

Would I recommend it to a friend? Absolutely. Would I suggest that it's actually worth the retail price? I'm not so sure. It may be if you're upgrading from Windows XP, but if you're upgrading form Vista you're getting shafted.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 364

TRWTF is that they get naps! Even daycare workers don't get naptime along with the kids (woah there, keep it G-rated). Although I sometimes feel like I work in a daycare, I don't get naps either. Do I have to move to NZ to get a job where I can take a nap?

Comment Re:Just plow then into the ground (Score 2, Insightful) 160

Good cropland is scarce enough as it is. Urban areas are constantly expanding and turning cropland into cityscape. It doesn't make much sense to hasten this trend by effectively converting space for growing food into space for fueling our vehicles.

I swear, the only reason we continue to see these ridiculous schemes is because the fuel companies don't want to see everything go electric. It won't be long before battery technology catches up and allows us to drive a reasonable distance on a charge. (Or we could just take advantage of the various swappable battery technologies that have already been developed for cars.)

Comment Re:No GPS 4 me (Score 1) 520

I'm the same way. I just bought a new car and opted not to bother with GPS. Aside from searching for the occasional restaurant or gas station when I'm on a road trip I just don't see the use. (Aren't there signs on the freeway for that anyway?) I'd rather have a map and pick my own route than be a slave to GPS.

Comment Re:Lake Wobegon Effect (Score 1) 520

Although I agree that a lot of people are lousy at giving directions I think that part of it depends upon how you think.

I'm extremely visual. I know very few street names. I have an entire map in my head that's a combination of landmarks and a sort of top-down view of the streets. I always know where I'm going but communicating that to someone else is difficult for me.

Someone that does better by memorizing a combination of street names and turns would be sorely disappointed by my inability to name off any of the streets they need to turn on.

Comment Re:tagged: !change (Score 3, Insightful) 384

Not to mention the fact that all of those sites see far more traffic than this site ever will. Honestly, even if a generous 1% of America takes the time to go to that site over the course of an entire month you're still only looking at around 300,000 visitors. That's nothing. Previous comments regarding the cost of security and such are off base. This is a site meant for presenting information that should already be public to the public. We aren't doing financial transactions here or hiding nuclear codes.

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