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Comment Re:TSA, terrorism, gun control, and mass shootings (Score 2) 354

Even in England where gun control is massive and they do have decreased gun violence.
They also found a way to bring up violent crimes as a whole to 4 times that of the US.
So I am guessing that thugs with baseball bats feel safer beating me out of my cash if they know I am not armed.

Comment Re:so before Sandy Point, they were idiots? (Score 2) 528

Cool. You do not like nor want guns in your life. I get it.
Remember though that you will not remove all guns from the bad guys.
Since bad guys will have them. I will have one to protect me and my family period.
Please do not make me a criminal so that you can feel better about your useless law.

Comment Re:Not legal here. (Score 5, Insightful) 286

As a pedestrian I try to always understand that in a battle of "Who can pay less attention to where they are going" the pedestrian will always lose.
So I do not play that game. I assume the drive does not see me till I know he does.
When I ride a motorcycle I do the same.
Pedestrians that step onto a road hoping that cars see them and stop need to fail at this before they pass on their defective genes to offspring.

Comment Re:NASA (Score 1) 140

Private health insurance would be a better thing if they had to compete.
But, at least in California, out of state insurance ;carriers are forbidden to offer product in California.
Companies that do offer product in California have to offer certain types of coverage regardless of if the insured needs such coverage or even wants to pay for it.

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