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Comment Re:Writer and Editor are fucking idiots. (Score 1) 73

It is almost like you are retarded. That App is there to give the owner of the phone, wait for it ....

Ownership over their phone! There are some companies that restrict the, "Owner" from owning their phone. One Plus though gives you the power.

Bitching at people for allowing you to control your own phone because someone else might use it makes you a fucking idiot at best.

Comment Re:Overblown -- oh and AMD isn't any better (Score 1) 271

these management engines are only ever active in a limited set of corporate environments where out-of-band management is a huge plus that actually improves security by not requiring your IT drone to physically access every system even if it's turned off.

I think you mean that they only have a use to the consumer in a limited set of corporate environments. IME is active on all their chips.

Comment Re:It is called a Fucking Choice. (Score 1) 235

You try reading.

What if they decide "You want to own this model of TV for XXX Dollars? Well, you can have it, but we'll reserve the right to show you customized advertising as you are viewing stuff with it"? Are there any laws anywhere that would protect TV owners from such intrusive advertising?

He wants laws to protect people from having this CHOICE.

Comment Amazons taxes do not matter. (Score 1) 276

Who gives a fuck.
The thing is if you can create 50k jobs in your area, you are doing well.

50,000 people paying income tax, property tax, sales taxes.
All that money being spent needs new and expanded local businesses to spend it at.

If I owned ran a city, I would all Amazon to build a headquarters there and employ 50,000 people and pay zero property tax for their entire existence.

Comment Re:And the BIGGER question is .. (Score 0) 142

What you are saying is that you think that given an infinite amount of time that it may become possible and that by making that argument you are inferring that you are a fucking idiot. Ok. Both are true.

Someday there maybe materials invented that make every problem with this system go away and you are an idiot.

Comment Re:And the BIGGER question is .. (Score 1) 142

Which problems go away underground? One.

If you make it deep enough you can design the normal sections to handle the much smaller expansion issues.
You still need (With incredibly optimistic numbers) 24,000 normal sections. Still need to over the life of the system replace 80 of those a month.

Now though you have to do it underground.

The truth is to make this work is possible.
To afford the build cost is difficult
To have maintenance costs that keep the project viable is impossible.

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