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Comment Re:KSK (Score 1) 42

The idea that the ZSK chain of authentication should be frequently rolled over is simply not going to happen.

I don't understand. It's the KSK that has a slow rollover which is what is being discussed in this article, and the ZSK with the faster rollover. I never said the KSK should never be changed, but at the same time, I didn't say it should be frequent.

Comment Re:KSK (Score 4, Informative) 42

Key Signing Key. DNSSEC is built on public key cryptography. You sign your zone with a Zone Signing Key ZSK, then sign the ZSK with your KSK, the public key part of which is available in your parent zone. The theory goes that you can roll over your ZSK frequently (and you should) without involving your parent zone.

Comment Re:HQ Redo (Score 1) 579

In this scenario, why couldn't I create a company "cc1984_ corp"of one employee: me? This company's business objective would be to keep me clothed, fed and generally in good shape. For Any services I render to anyone payment would not be to me directly, but to my company.

My salary would be minimum wage which I would donate to charity (because I'm so nice).

Submission + - UK pub installs Faraday cage stop phones because social media is ruining pubs (

Bruce66423 writes: Mr Tyler said he wanted to force "people to interact in the real world" and remember how to socialise.

“I just wanted people to enjoy a night out in my bar, without being interrupted by their phones,” he told the BBC

“So rather than asking them not to use their phones, I stopped the phones working. I want you to enjoy the experience of going out.

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