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Comment Re:AMD64: 2 separate things (Score 1) 124

The testing that has been done show that there isn't a massive performance hit for fixing the Meltdown issue except in very specific cases. So far those cases occur in some synthetic benchmarks. In testing on Linux and Windows the patch doesn't seem to impact any standard application (web browsing/games/office work) to any noticeable extent. So while it's not a good thing for Intel it isn't the massive issue that the first reports made it out to be (no 30% performance hit)

Submission + - Researchers reveal meltdown and spectre hardware level cpu exploits (

nanoflower writes: Researchers at Google and other institutions have revealed detail on two new security exploits, Meltdown and Spectre. Meltdown is the one that has had the most exposure since it directly impacts Intel CPU made in the last decade. Spectre is a similar exploit but it impacts AMD/ARM/Intel and possibly other CPUs. OS vendors are working on patches for both exploits that will have some impact on performance but how much impact is not truly known at this point.

Comment Re:Possibly MUCH more serious problem... (Score 1) 190

Gutters don't help with the weight of the snow but they would help keep the snow from sliding down the roof and on to the unwary below. They would also help move any water off the roof and help prevent the icicles that might otherwise form as the snow begins to melt.

Comment No update till my ad-ons work (Score 1) 589

I haven't updated and won't for at least a month. That's when all of my ad ons should be updated. I had two ad ons that were 'upgraded' to the latest version even though I'm on FF 56. Those upgrades ended up taking aware features. Adblock Plus lost the ability to block many ads with their Web Extension version so I've ended up moving to Ublock Origin which seems to be working well. LastPass also lost a lot of functionality with their Web Extension version so I've downgraded to the last beta that works well with FF56.

That's another issue with both LastPass and AdBlock Plus. Neither company has given any guidance on when or if they will be feature complete in comparison to their previous version. At least with DownThemAll and NoScript I know where the devs are in their efforts to get a fully working version for FF57. I wish more devs would be forthcoming with how their efforts are going especially since FF57 is out and many people will be upgrading to it.

Comment Re:What's special about Starcraft? (Score 1) 142

But the rules have changed. Not as in a complete overhaul but Blizzard regularly does rebalancing which involves changing the dmg and health of various units and even changing the rules governing the building of some units. That said Blizzard does document much of their changes so it's easy enough to add in that information into the AI's database.

Comment Re:Protected speech (Score 1) 471

I don't think Google let him go because he sent out the memo. They probably let him go because the memo was becoming a point of embarrassment for the company. Too many people on all sides of the issues raised in the memo were complaining about the company which needed to be stopped as quickly as possible. Easiest way to do that is to release the employee behind the memo. So it's not the impact of the memo inside the company that led to his removal but the memo going public outside the company

Comment Re:Not really true (Score 2) 383

So I need to have a cell phone on the off chance that I come upon an accident and no one there has a cell phone so I am the only that can save them. I am a super hero!! Thank you for pointing this out.

My only kryptonite is my tendency to misplace things so I might not be able to find my cell phone before it's time to leave. Oh, and my tendency to forget small things like remembering to recharge the cell phone so it will work when I come upon an accident and have my chance to be a hero.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 397

If that was where this collision happened then the people on watch should have been hyper active because there would be a regular stream of ships to keep an eye on. It can't be boredom because there are no ships around if there are lots of ships around.

I find it hard to believe that the Navy is finding it that difficult to know what caused the previous collisions. It's more likely that they do know and don't want to make it public. Knowing that their own people screwed up would be just the sort of thing they wouldn't want to make public.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 166

I'm sure the original poster was trying to distinguish between privately owned data that may be publicly available versus publicly owned data that is publicly available. Linked-in is running a private server so is privately owned even if the data is available to the public. It does seem odd that the judge didn't seem to put any limits in place so that if the servers allow it each of us could scrape all of their data as fast as our links can support.

Comment Re:Ten years too late? (Score 1) 274

Drive in theaters were the make out places, but they are also great for parents with kids. Pack up the family and take everyone out to see a movie for less than you would pay in a theater without having to worry about finding seating for everyone that's together and without worrying about anyone else annoying you or you annoying them.

Comment The evidence? (Score 4, Insightful) 57

I hope the FBI has more evidence than the summary or the article has. All that they state is that he sold a cellphone, laptop and a VPN service to a company. That company happened to be owned by a guy associate with ISIS.

Then they make the leap that the money paid was going to be used to plan an attack in the US. All of which may be true but unless they have the guy on record as planning an attack or captured his plans it's going to be hard to prove that case. So either the FBI has a weak case or this is a really weak article.

Comment Re:Uh.... (Score 1) 276

That's good and we certainly have that in Atlanta but my favorite is when the road just ends. Then it picks up a few blocks away with no notice that it does so. Got very confused a few times when I knew the road continued and yet I was looking at a dead end.

Comment Re:Balance. (Score 1) 315

Is it not possible to have a product that is usable, well designed and still something that people believe is what all the cool people have. Sure seems that would be the winning combination that makes everyone happy and should be what Apple is striving for. If Apple is removing desired functionality shouldn't they be hearing complaints from their customers? I'm sure not going to let some company remove functionality that I'm using in an update without complaining. Are Apple users so caught up in the RDF that they won't do that?

Comment Re:Easy Guaranteed Returns are why I Use Amazon (Score 1) 335

I haven't had a return problem with either company but then returns are very rare.

My problem with Amazon is their sorting algorithm is poor. If I go looking for hard drives (as an example) and then sort by price (low-high) I'll get a ton of cables and other devices that aren't hard drives. Then there's the one time I did something similar in the clothes department. Page after page after page of cheap Chinese products ($1 for a shirt so it shows up first but has a $9 shipping charge and takes weeks to ship) that are just noise for the information I actually wanted.

It's something they need to work on. If I know exactly what I'm looking for then Amazon is great.

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