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Comment Re:Economy is not a science. (Score 1) 290

Members of government such as Barney Frank (among many many others in both Republican and Democrat parties) absolutely denied that a housing bubble existed when opposing legislation to do something about it.

What was great about that is that Barney Frank was chosen, along with one of the other more vocal deniers of the housing bubble, Chris Dodd, to draft the legislation to "fix" the banking problems that created the housing bubble in the first place.

Comment Re:Or... (Score 3, Informative) 330

The problem is not the civil engineers (at least probably not). It is probably the fact that the political appointees over ruled the traffic experts for some political reason. What makes this especially difficult is that you can't just fix it by making it so the political appointees can't over rule the subject matter "experts" because than you have no way to hold those subject matter "experts" accountable. Either the political appointees (the people who answer to the people who answer to the voters) can fire the subject matter experts (and if they can do that, they make it be known that if the subject matter experts don't do it their way they will be fired) or the subject matter experts are not accountable to anybody.

Comment Re:My Theory (Score 0) 264

If Harvard took cheating seriously, they would be investigating their faculty. They just discovered that their "Native American" professor lied about being Native American after she left to run for Senate. If she lied about that, how many other faculty members have lied about similarly difficult things to confirm, but which provide them with a step up? Her husband is still employed there and he almost certainly knew she was lying.

Comment Re:That's not possible (Score 1) 149

The "lie" was not that jeeps would be made in china. The lie was that "American jobs were being outsourced and lost because Chrysler would build Jeeps in China."

Except of course that nowhere did the ad say "American jobs were being outsourced and lost because Chrysler would build Jeeps in China." That is your opinion of what the ad meant to communicate. Your opinion may be correct, but it is not a statement of fact made in the ad. Therefore it is not the place of a fact checker to call the campaign on it. It would be perfectly acceptable for Politifact to express your opinion in something they called an opinion peice. It is not acceptable for them to take that position in a fact checking article.

Comment Re:That's not possible (Score 1) 149

See, now you are discussing what you believe that Romney should have said/how he should have made his point. That is not the question. The question is, was the statement, "Chrysler will build Jeeps in China" not just a lie, but the lie of the year? Not only was it not a lie, it was a fact. The theory of fact checkers is that they will check the facts that politicians use and point out when those facts are wrong. In this case, Politifact, as part of a "fact check", called that statement a lie?
You are failing to defend Politifact, you don't have a problem with them calling it a lie because you opposed Romney. This statement by Obama was a bigger lie, "I believe the only way to create an economy built to last is to strengthen the middle class, asking the wealthy to pay a little more so we can pay down our debt in a balanced way," At least by the standard you are using. By my standard, it could not be called so by a Fact Checker because it contains no facts, merely an opinion.

Comment Why do we need new laws and regulations? (Score 4, Interesting) 436

Prosecutions for violating existing federal gun laws are down significantly under Obama. Joe Biden said that they do not have the time and manpower in order to pursue violations of the law on background checks. If the Administration does not enforce existing laws, why should we believe that any new laws will make any positive difference?

Comment Re:That's not possible (Score 1) 149

Yes, it does. However, when the fact checker says they are "checking the facts" and calls someone a liar because of the way that person interprets the facts, the "fact checker" is no longer a fact checker, especially when it is the "fact checker" interpreting what the person meant when they used the facts in question. Back to my original example, Politifact, as part of "fact-checking" called Mitt Romney's statement that Chrysler was going to build Jeeps in China the "lie of the year", when, in fact,Chrysler is going to build Jeeps in China. The reason that they did so was because they believed that Romney was intending for people to interpret that statement as saying that Chrysler was going to build all Jeeps in China. You have no problem with that because you agree with their interpretation. However, the fact was not a lie, was not even missing information. I even have an interpretation of Romney's statement which makes it not even an attempt to mislead. Romney may well have been saying, "Why is a company that just received a generous bailout from the U.S. government creating jobs in China rather than in the U.S.? Could that money not have been better spent improving production and increasing jobs in the U.S.? If the answer to the second question is 'No", is it really a good use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help a company create jobs in China?" I do not know that Romney was saying that rather than what Politifact understood him to be saying, but it is consistent with other things said by the Romney campaign.

Comment Re:Great Paywall of NYT (Score 1) 116

Paul Krugman went to the Times after Enron

Where he promptly started writing about how evil, or stupid everyone associated with Enron management was for not blowing the whistle on what was going on, while carefully avoiding mentioning that he had spent several years as a paid adviser to those very same management people and never once noticed any of the problems (or chose to keep quiet about them) with their financial dealings.

Comment Re:That's not possible (Score 1) 149

OK, so you want "fact checkers" who call those who disagree with your interpretations of the fact liars. That's fine, just don't expect me to consider them to be credible and non-partisan, since you are asking that they be partisan. To take apart your examples and show how real fact checkers could get the same results without worrying about interpretation:

"The fences didn't kill the Ostriches. The fire did. I don't think we need to worry about whether fences are leading to trapped birds because birds can fly."

Fact Checker: It is true that the fences did not kill the ostriches and that the fire did. It is true that SOME birds can fly, however, ostriches can not fly and thus were trapped by the fences so that they were unable to escape the fire. (This is assuming that the ostriches were indeed trapped by the fences and this unable to escape the fire, rather than the ostriches dying in the fire some rather large distance from the fences and someone claiming that they had not fled the fire because they "knew" the fence was there in the distance).

"Industry experts reported 8000 cars in America. Clearly we don't need to be spending billions on highway improvements."

Fact Checker: Yes, industry experts reported 8000 cars in America, in 1900. What does that fact have to do with the question of spending money on highway improvements.

In both of my modifications, the fact checker does not call the original speaker a liar, they merely add the facts which the original speaker left out (while some birds can fly, ostriches cannot, industry experts did indeed report a mere 8000 cars in America, but that was in 1900) and leave it up to those who listen to, or read, their fact-check to decide whether the original speakers comment constituted a lie. The advantage of doing this is that the fact checker remains credible to the everyone as the interpretation of the facts becomes more subjective (which is the area where most "fact-checking" occurs).

Comment Re:That's not possible (Score 1) 149

Whether that is the correct interpretation of what he was trying to communicate, the fact was true. If you are going to be a fact checker, limit yourself to facts. As soon as you bring interpretation into it, you are no longer talking about facts rather you are talking about opinion. You may feel that your opinion is the only logical one, I may even agree with you, but it does not mean that it is fact. A fact checker should confine themselves to facts.

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