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Comment Re:interesting (Score 1) 326

In 2020, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court told election officials in Pennsylvania to count all mail-in ballots received up to 3 days after the elections, so long as they were mailed by election day. Then, as part of that same ruling, said that mail-in ballots without postmarks should be presumed to have been mailed by election day. Which means the PA Supreme Court ordered election officials in PA to count any ballots they received, by whatever means, up to 3 days after election day. Which means there is no reason that someone could not have been filling out ballots in a warehouse down the street and delivering them to be counted.

Comment Re:SW Stops Russians from Reading DOD Emails? (Score 1) 172

No, what I was saying is that there is no reason to think that a congressperson's question has any connection to reality.

So, the fact that a congressperson said something about Solarwinds being supposed to stop the Russians from reading emails does not mean that that has anything to do with what Solarwinds was used for.

Comment Re:For non-academics types: (Score 1) 48

Ultimately the problem stems from the fact that there are no sources we can trust to be honest with us. The way you overcome misinformation is by being honest. It takes time, but if some news source was consistently honest, not intentionally distorting the stories they report based on what they want people to believe to be true, eventually people would learn to trust them.

Comment Re:Why this conflict is bullsh/t (Score 1) 321

Wal-mart, Target, etc. have to pay the vendor upfront before they have the customer's money. Apple doesn't spend a dime on the product (and no, the money they spend to set up the app store does not count, because Walmart, Target, etc have THAT cost as well in addition to what they give the producer of the product). Apple demands the manufacturer of the product pay them after the manufacturer has convinced the consumer to buy their product.

Comment Re:Whelp ... (Score 1) 127

Mark Zuckerberg Wants Commuting Replaced with VR/AR

Gotta find *some* reason for those Oculus VR headsets -- that now require a linked Facebook account.

[Count me out on both.]

"Congratulations, you have the job! We will be sending you a corporate package to your home soon. Your registration with this device is required for employment with our company."

Good luck.

No problem, when I get the equipment, which includes a laptop, I will create a special Facebook account for that job...it will have no connection to anything I do in the rest of my life.

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