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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 54 declined, 15 accepted (69 total, 21.74% accepted)


Submission + - FOSS Licences Wars: trying to write an app

dotancohen writes: "Here's an exercise: Write a GPLed server for solving Freecell that the graphical game would communicate with using TCP/IP or a different IPC mechanism. Easy, right? Except for that pesky licensing bit. Our own Shlomi Fish gives an overview of the various options in picking up a licence for one's FOSS project, and tries to give some guidelines choosing one."

Submission + - Asteroid buzzing Earth below LEO altitude. Twice. (discovery.com)

Dotan Cohen writes: "The Discovery website notes that 1-kilometer asteroid Apophis will narrowly miss the Earth in 2029 and will return in 2036, on an unknown orbit that may (or may not be) a collision course. This looks like a good article for getting people (and funds) interested in astronomy, if only for the potential doomsday scenario."

Submission + - Suing God: Does God need notice? (wsj.com)

Gibberish writes: "From TFA: "If God were sued, would one have to serve God with papers? After all, one might argue, an all-knowing God might not exactly need notice." This is what a US senator who sued God two years ago is now asking. He cannot refile, so this is the best that he could come up with. However, Senator Chambers does make a great point that "it was inconsistent for the court to take judicial notice of God in order to administer oaths and to enter an order to dismiss yet simultaneously deny that the all-knowing God has notice of the petition"."

Submission + - Python 3.0 final released (python.org)

dotancohen writes: "Python 3 is out! From the release announcement by Barry Warsaw:

Python 3.0 (a.k.a. "Python 3000" or "Py3k") represents a major milestone in Python's history, and was nearly three years in the making. This is a new version of the language that is incompatible with the 2.x line of releases, while remaining true to BDFL Guido van Rossum's vision. Some things you will notice include:

* Fixes to many old language warts
* Removal of long deprecated features and redundant syntax
* Improvements in, and a reorganization of, the standard library
* Changes to the details of how built-in objects like strings and dicts work
* ...and many more new features



Submission + - MS Touchless Open Source webcam-based touch system (officelabs.com)

Dotan Cohen writes: "What is the world coming to? Microsoft introduces their Open Source SDK for creating touch-based systems with a webcam and a regular computer monitor. From the Project: Touchless homepage:

Touchless enables touch without touching by using a webcam to track color based markers. Touchless includes two parts:
* Touchless Demo is an open source application that anyone with a webcam can use to experience multi-touch, no geekiness required.
* Touchless SDK is an open source SDK that enables developers to create multi-touch based applications using a webcam for input, geekiness recommended.

The project's Microsoft Public License is compatible with the GPLv3 so this could turn interesting real fast."


Submission + - Affordable international shipping for eBay buyers?

Dotan Cohen writes: "What delivery options do non-US eBay buyers have for shipping items from the US to $randomNation? Ordering from China is usually very affordable or even free, but US sellers are only aware of expensive options such as the US Postal Service, UPS, and the like. Googling has landed me several UK options, but most of the items that I am interested in are from the US. Which delivery services do non-US slashdotters use to order from the US?"

Submission + - Face/Off: Face transplantation team report success (yahoo.com)

Dotan Cohen writes: "The "after" photo might just be the scariest thing you've ever seen, because the "before" photo looks like an 8 year old ran Photoshop's swirl tool over the guy's face and doesn't quite cross the uncanny valley. Nonetheless, there is a definite improvement in this unidentified 29 year old man's appearance after his successfull face transplant."

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