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Comment Re:Streamed Games in General (Score 1) 44

startups like Onlive never did anything to explain how they intended to solve them.

Obviously, Google learned from that mistake. Instead, they hand-waved the pesky problem of physics away with magic fairy-dust technology that promised negative latency.

I remember seeing incessant CISCO ads about how they're making the world a magical, better place. They prominently featured a school in the US teleconferencing with a school in China, in real time, with no lag, with the midday sun shining in both locations.

Comment Re:Antifa - exactly (Score 1) 103

and CD Projekt Red has just been ignoring the twitter mobs

CDPR just virtue signaled and delayed an event for Cyberpunk 2077 (or whatever the year is).

None of these companies care. They just want the PR and a small chance of their corporate offices downtown being excepted from the looting and arson.
It's all George Soros. Cut him off and the looting stops.

Comment Re:Speaking of language that induces bias.... (Score 1) 150

"We argue that such work should examine the relationships between language and social hierarchies; we call on researchers and practitioners conducting such work to articulate their conceptualizations of 'bias' in order to enable conversations about what kinds of system behaviors are harmful, in what ways, to whom, and why; and we recommend deeper engagements between technologists and communities affected by NLP systems."

Remove "We argue that" - it's completely unnecessary and just makes the sentence longer.

"such work should examine the relationships between language and social hierarchies;" - don't put a fucking semicolon in there and then run on with a separate idea. Use a period.

"we call on researchers and practitioners conducting such work to articulate their conceptualizations of 'bias' in order to enable conversations about what kinds of system behaviors are harmful, in what ways, to whom, and why;" - this is near meaningless drivel, followed by another abused semicolon.

"and we recommend deeper engagements between technologists and communities affected by NLP systems." - this is vague and nebulous babble again.

Here's what they should have written:
Such work should examine the relationships between language and social hierarchies. Researchers and users should be mindful of potential bias when designing and using such systems, and they should engage with the groups their systems will be applied to in order to identify potential issues of bias.

They'd still be wrong - the math just fits a model to the data and maps it to the definitions you gave it. But that's what they should have written.

Comment Re:Baank Bailout 2 (Score 1) 246

If US had done social distancing, mass testing and wearing of masks in February

You mean back when the WHO and media were telling us it was nothing to worry about? No human-to-human transmission, risk to Americans is very low, no need to ban travel, no worse than the flu, etc.?

You mean back when they told us masks didn't work?

You mean a month after thousands of people from China's most infected area had already landed in the US and begun to spread the virus? You mean the same time we started seeing videos of certain people intentionally spreading saliva on produce, bus seats/poles, etc.?

It was too late in February. Early January was the time to stop it. But we couldn't have known unless we had intelligence within Beijing telling exactly what was going on. This was enemy action.

Comment Re:Following rules (Score 1) 246

the "fake pandemic" narrative.

The only ones spouting off "fake pandemic" were China, the WHO, the western media, Nancy Pelosi, Fredo Cuomo, and Bill Deblasio.
Everyone was overreacting. It's no worse than the flu! The Chinese coronavirus isn't a big deal!! Go to the chinatown celebration! #HugAChinese was a literal state-sponsored message. Banning travel is unnecessary and racist! Don't buy masks!

Up until mid March. Then they did a 180.
How DARE you call it the "Chinese" coronavirus? You didn't ban travel soon enough or hard enough! OMG, this is worse than any flu, why are you so IGNORANT? WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE (but also, we're all #InThisTogether)!! Wear a mask or else!! Etc.

The truth is the virus is real, dangerous, but nowhere near as dangerous as the media currently wants you to believe. Regardless of how dangerous it is, it's not worth giving up our freedoms for. It was all orchestrated. It came from the biolab in Wuhan. Everything about this is related to the upcoming election.

The people you're trying to attack never claimed it was a "fake pandemic". We claimed it was a plandemic. And we were correct. We learned of it in November. We saw reports leak out in December. We saw more truth and video of numbers and dead bodies and hospital conditions in January. We watched as journalists and lawyers in China disappeared or died. We told the world that shit was going down. We were told we were conspiracy theorists and fear mongers. We told people to buy food and supplies. We were called nutters and doomsayers. We warned people that we needed to lock down travel. We were called racists..

We were right.

Comment Re: Caution (Score 3, Interesting) 246

I work and live in China and was free to post to Slashdot and Fark what I was seeing as I saw it beginning February 5th from inside China. My first posts to the topic were to Fark from Thailand, January 24th.

Why bring up Thailand? Thailand is not China.

Further, I'm guessing those posts didn't originate from an IP behind the great firewall of China.

Fact is, Fang Bing and Chen Qiushi are still missing and reporters and doctors who spoke up early on were killed. Kcriss was released, but only after posting a state-approved message.

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