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Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 3, Informative) 506

No. Google cars don't drive on a "virtual track".

They reference map data for general route planning, and then defer to onboard cameras and other sensors which feed into image-recognition systems to drive in the same way as a human (by paying attention to the environment, and not blindly following GPS).

These cars use cameras, lasers and radar to look for lines on the road (or other markings), road signs, cyclists, pedestrians, other vehicles, etc., and use this to build a live 3-dimensional map of the surrounding area. The software builds a stack of triggers, sorts them according to priority, and then reacts, by turning, braking or accelerating.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Comment Re:What the f*$# is wrong with us? (Score 5, Insightful) 1198

As the guy who tells other guys to stop being so damn idiotic, I'm sick and tired of all these articles stereotyping men as misogynistic animals.

Look, I'm actively fighting this problem (and it is a problem, nobody is saying otherwise), with you. So why are you so quick to group me with the monkeys in our society?

Seriously. I'm sick of these articles saying I'm a bad person, and I hate women, and I'm a pig, an animal, and a rapist who should be ashamed of my physical urges.

Please focus on the individual bad apples, instead of grouping them as "men".

Comment -1 Disagree (Score 1) 92

As someone who discovered Spritz when it started making headlines, and tried out a similar RSVP app with the novel I'm currently reading, I can tell you that my comprehension didn't suffer. I tend to adjust the speed while I read, ranging from 500-700 wpm, and I can still clearly recall and describe the plot and detailed events of the book over the sections that I read using the app.

I do agree that it's not an ideal way to read, as the flow of text tends to be robotic and lacks some of the conveyance of emotion. In this regard, it's probably better for reading non-fiction or purely informational texts. I can't say it hurt my comprehension, though.

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 867

"The idea that somebody is going to walk down to their mailbox in Buffalo, New York, in the winter snow to get their mail is just crazy."

Seriously? Are people that god damn lazy?

In the town where I grew up, we had mailbox clusters for neighborhoods. Not just apartments and townhouse communities, but actual separate-houses-fences-and-yards areas. Oh, and get this, in the winter, we deal with an average of 14ft of snow annually. That doesn't stop anyone from walking or driving often as much as 1/2 a mile to the nearest mailbox cluster. It doesn't stop the elderly either, who sometimes rely on family, friends, and/or neighbors, but more often use it as an excuse to leave the house, even in blizzard white-out conditions.

Seriously. Walking to your curb isn't a huge deal. Better if it gets your fat, lazy ass off the couch, and may even help you be more fit and able to walk to the curb when you're older.

Comment Re:Entangled Photons? (Score 1) 209

What happens to the Anomalous Materials they need for their experiments? Do they have the means for Residue Processing, or do they just seal all the waste in a Blast Pit? As far as pollutants go, We've Got Hostiles leaking into our atmosphere, oceans and rivers. So before you get On A Rail, and Power Up your Lambda Core, you need to consider the environmental Interloper.

Comment There's only one company on that list... (Score 4, Insightful) 133

There's only one company on that list that seems qualified to me, and that would be Mozilla.

My reasoning (and this is based on my opinion, so mod how you will):

  • - Yahoo is slowly dying, having failed to gain a real foothold in the era of cloud computing
  • - IBM and Red Hat have enterprise customers they will put before "openness"
  • - Microsoft, despite it's attempts, still doesn't really understand (from a corporate perspective) what "openness" is, or how to use it
  • - The Wikimedia Foundation definitely doesn't have the clout

Mozilla has long championed open standards, and although they once toppled the "invincible" Microsoft, whether they still hold that kind of power remains to be seen...

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