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Comment Re: It's not a surprise (Score 2) 140

You do realize that Elon Musk is the most powerful space reptile of them all, right?
Slowly infusing technology into society so that he can safely return back to Mars from whence he was exhiled.
If we let NASA condone any more of these rockets, we're headed for was with Mars in a few years at 91 rockets per quarter!

That, or some geeky kid hit it big with PayPal. Really loved electric cars and rockets. Started a couple companies that while not revolutionary, provided revolutionary production scaling for new technology.
Queue celebrity and drugs, and we have Lord Elon of the Twitterverse best buds with Kanye and Trump.

Is it really any more complicated than that? There's whole government agencies chasing these guys for damage control.
As a Tesla stockholder, I would be asking myself how much CO2 is produced by 365 rocket engines over 10 years.

Comment Re:A new mission in the 2030's to improve more (Score 1) 28

So let me get this straight.. we have 4 fundamental forces, all of which fall in line with the standard model, and here comes gravity which was never considered, and only agrees with Einstein.

The way I see it, we have only just discovered the Higgs Boson (TM). There are much, much, much, much, much heavier bosons out there, but we can't even fathom the amount of energy it would take to discover them... So we settled for one we could. Might as well call them Black Holes at this point. You know they're there, but you'll never see em. What are these virtual particles you speak of?

Comment Re:Nancy Pelosi (Score 1) 107

This is where the argument ends no matter how you slice it.
Both parties do terrible things to get power and money. They pander the base they think will get them elected.
The majority would switch parties if it meant continued political success.
Regardless of your political inclinations, this system needs reform or destruction.

Comment I experience this. (Score 1) 135

A new VR shop opened up at the mall nearby, so I hopped on to try it.
I signed up for a hang glider ride and strapped in. Little did I know that by looking left when it started, it locked that as the front facing viewport. As the ride started, I found myself looking out the right side of the hang glider going up and down.
Instant sick.

Comment Re: Those unexpected refunds (Score 1) 171

Meanwhile I refinanced my loans to prepare for higher interest, then paid it off. Unfortunately those are no longer federal. So I get to pay for the people who didnâ€(TM)t know any better and didnâ€(TM)t live like a recluse to save money.

Comment Re: Tim Cook can fuck off (Score 1) 358

That doesn't explain why I have 8 iPhone family members and 2 Android family members but get calls from the Android bunch more often with less devices. Always a random setting flip or feature that no longer works. Diving through the endless settings which change depending on Android version is no fun.
In my experience, iPhones tend to "just work" more often than their Android counterparts.

Comment Re:Typical. (Score 1) 70

That this happened is unsurprising. That they kept it a secret is unforgivable.

What OTHER secret ways might there be in which they are selling us out? If they insist that there are no other ways, why would we believe them, now that they have been caught lying to us already?

I use FIrefox and have it configured to clear all cookies every time it closes (and I have disabled Pocket). It's still not perfect privacy, but it is a lot better than doing nothing at all.

I only speak in between html tags

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