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Comment Re:This is a huge problem for me. (Score 1) 509

This was a huge problem for me, for many years.

Someone out there has my exact name. First middle and last. And was born the same year. I have not seen it, but was told the SSN was similar enough to not catch at a glance.

This person is a lifelong criminal. I first found out he existed when I was arrested for rape of a minor resulting in pregnancy. guy knocked up a 13 year old in Ohio. They took what the girl knew- full name and age- and searched. they found me, in the Marine Corps, in North Carolina and issued an arrest warrant.
Try to claim you are innocent to a federal marshall and some MPs when they are looking at child rape charges. I dare ya. See how far that gets ya.
I was finally released when the Marine Corps noted I was on duty and accounted for the entire period of time that the event happened. I was too far away to have done it. So I was eventually released.
From that day forward, any time I would change or renew a driver's license, a Deputy would appear behind me and arrest me. Without fail. I carried my SS card on me so they could compare the SSN to the warrant. I found that to be the fastest way to be released. This went on from 1996 till 2012 when I was arrested last. I had to change my license in 2015, and there was no arrest. I assume the guy was finally sent to prison, or died. I kind of hope died, because he might get out of prison and start the whole thing up again.

Submission + - Raising taxes boosts innovation says Billionaire VC Nick Hanauer (politico.com)

Paul Fernhout writes: Billionaire Venture Capitalist Nick Hanauer explains that there is no evidence that cutting taxes promotes innovation or employment — rather, the evidence suggests raising taxes and spending the money in a way that reduces inequality boosts the economy. He says: "In reality, our modern technological economy is best understood as an evolutionary feedback loop between innovation and demand. Innovation is the process through which we evolve new solutions to human problems, while consumer demand is the mechanism through which the market selects and propagates successful innovations. And it is economic inclusion — the full participation of as many people as possible in as many ways as possible, as innovators, entrepreneurs, workers and robust consumers — that drives both innovation and demand. The more we invest in the American people — in our wages, our education, our health care and our infrastructure — the more dynamic that feedback loop, and thus the faster and more prosperous our economy grows."

Comment Re:This is the best they could come up with?! (Score 1) 345

The investigation is ongoing. We won't see results till it is done and charges are filed. That is how real investigations work. Watergate took 2 years from special council selection (saturday night slaughter) to charges filed and resign.

be patient. The media talks about what Meuller releases when he releases it. And he is a shrewd one- anything released or leaked is done to scare someone in to making a deal for immunity or a lighter charge by showing them what they have on them.

Comment Re: The Russians have been interfering for decades (Score 2) 506

Registration tampering has been a standard tactic for decades. Sometimes they hide behind a facade- like Voter ID.
  Sometimes they don't even try, like the "felon purge" across several key swing states in 2000 and 2004 where the GOP had control. They ordered their staffers to purge the voter registration rolls of ex-felons in states that ex felons have the right to vote. Worse, they purged people in their state who had felonies from other states which cannot prevent you the right to vote in another state. A state can only withhold the vote from someone that committed a felony IN THAT STATE.
And in Colorado and Florida they purged anyone who had a name like someone with a felony somewhere- so if John Smith had a felony in PA, they purged ALL John Smiths registered in their state. (Though after the fact they determined that somehow this only happened to black-sounding names. John Smith was safe, but David Brown was not.) Colorado lost over 190,000 eligible registered voters by that method alone. Democrat voter turnout was unusually low those two election cycles. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.

And it is still happening today, though some checks have been put in place to slow the damage.

The worse part of the whole mess was the complete indifference of the people.

Comment Re:Did an Uber Driver Run Over Your Dog? (Score 1) 238

The problem is that the problems being solved are no longer a problem, but the way regulation is implemented has become far more of a burden than it was supposed to be. Poorly crafted regulations meant to ensure safety also limited numbers and participation.

The regulation model needs to be re-done. Require the insurance and background checks of any worker- paid, contract, or slave. Do not limit entry in to the industry, numbers, or the like. Anyone who owns a car and is willing to get the proper type of insurance and vehicle inspections as well as a certified background check to submit to the regulatory board can be a taxi.

Submission + - Website Plugin Tracks Congress's Browsing Habits 1

Jason Koebler writes: A new plugin created by a software engineer in North Carolina lets website administrators monitor when someone accesses their site from an IP address associated with the federal government. It was created to protest a law that made it easier for ISPs to sell your browsing history to advertisers.

The tool lets website administrators track whether members of Congress, the Senate, White House staff, or Federal Communications Commission staff are looking at their site, and uses technology similar to CongressEdits, an automated Twitter account that tweets whenever a Wikipedia page is edited from IP addresses associated with Congress.

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