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Comment Re:They are connected indirectly (Score 1) 185

The question I have is this, “Can one guy know if the other guy has measured his photon?”
As in I have two polarizers at 90 degrees to each other with ‘my photon’ bouncing between the polarizers because it’s state is undetermined. Then all of a sudden the photon passes through one polarizer or the other. At this time I would know the state collapsed into one state or the other state because the other photon was measured.

Comment Re:Many-worlds theory is really fun (Score 1) 68

<quote><p>The only problem with alternate universes is: there is no interaction with ours, hence the name, "alternate". So yes, you are totally wrong.</p></quote>
But consider Santa Clause. If there are multiple universes, and each has a Santa, and each Santa hops in his sleigh Christmas Eve and takes presents the good kids in &lsquo;n&rsquo; houses, and then Santa shifts to one of the other dimensions and delivers presents to the good kids &lsquo;n&rsquo; times, and then goes and does the same thing in another universe until serving &lsquo;m&rsquo; universes, and all the other Santas in all the other universes do the same thing, then I submit that for n & m greater than two then everyone wakes up with a present; well the good kids wake up with a present.

Since good kids wake up with presents there just might me multiple universes.

Comment Re:Already known that people can't handle more tha (Score 2, Funny) 75

Crows can only count to 4. If one hunter goes into the woods and comes out the crows will signal the exit. The same for two, three, or four hunters. If five hunters go into the woods the crows will signal all clear when the fourth hunter exits, indicating they cannot count past 4. I am surprized that most people are even as smart as crows....

Comment Re:It would be better (Score 1) 174

>And then proceeded to vote for this scuzball?
Have you internalized that the Indiana evangelical voters broke for Trump over Cruze? They had thier eyes wide open.
Not only were they not fooled, they were quite fed up with being fooled from the look of it.
They clearly saw that Cruze, nor any of the other establishment choices, nor Romney, nor Mcain before them gave a shit about record levels of black unemployment and were not going to lift a finger to help Blacks or anyone else.
Bless his heart, Obama did get rid of Pelosi, Reid, bin Sadin, and kept Hilary out of the white houes.

Comment Re:It's simple.. (Score 1) 463

It is simple really, read the book "Total Atomic Defense." You can Google around and find a PDF of it but I prefer the origonal red cover hardback. Since those Ruskys got the bomb and started producing MIRVs the policy of our government is "NEVER ANOTHER MANHATTAN." The United States cival defece stratagy is spread everything out so it is harder to hit and link everything by concrete. Being a governmnet plan you can see how it worked out......

Comment Re:This is the truck of the future! (Score 1) 96

>Hydrogen is a dead end and always has been.
Not forever though. I built a lab scale reactor that we loaded with a nanopartical catalyst tuned for visible light. In this reactor we are doing plasmonics steam methane reforming (P-SMR). We have evaluated a number of catalysts and are making hydrogen at temperatures as low as 150C and are getting good yield at 200C. (You bake pizza at that temperature)
The process turns on and off with the flip of a switch. High nickel alloys are not required. The catalyst is easy to make. With *CURRENT* Texas prices for methane, electricity, and water the scaled up costs are much cheaper than fossil fuel.
We are constructing a larger reactor so stay tuned.

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