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Comment It's the idiots in cars I'm worried about. (Score 1) 313

I can't wait to see the idiots see there's no driver and decide to brake check the truck thinking they will get a pay day from the insurance, only to be sued for causing their own accidents. Stuff like that happens now, it'll get real interesting when the driver less trucks show up. Here's the thing trucks are not efficient, the system is not efficient, and logistics in the USA is just a mess.

Comment I hope they choke on them (Score 2) 77

This is bullshit, it's bad enough people tried to make money hording toilet paper to resell, now they are doing that with gaming consoles. I'm glad I got mine in feburary, but that much of a mark up is insane, I know they will drop in price in a month or two. I hope these resellers can't return then, I get making a profit, but double the price is almost as bad as the asshole towing companies that boot semi trucks while the drivers are shopping in the stores.

Comment Re:Apples to Oranges (Score 2, Insightful) 96

Poland is having issues with a lot of people calling the concentration camps, "polish death camps" so they are very sensitive to this issue. There is blame that the media coming from Germany, whitewashing WWII, saying that the war and all the bad stuff was only the NAZI's and not the rest of the population. I'm not saying there wen't good people in that country, but it's like a guard at one of the camps saying he didn't kill anyone when he was leading them into the ovens, just because he didn't turn the switch to turn them on.

Comment Re:Is it a super rough town or full of snowflakes? (Score 3, Informative) 85

It's not about a scuffle, it's about kids from one gang can't be on the bus as kids from the other gang. You can't endanger the other 50+ kids on the bus because of some gang fight. If it was 2 random kids getting in a fight that's different, they do it that way so the whole bus doesn't end up dead.

Comment It should be held to do that anyway. (Score 5, Informative) 112

It is the governments job at ports to check what is coming in and going out of our country, FedEx should not be held responsible for what it ships. If some one fill outs a declaration improperly, or totally lies on it, FedEx shouldn't be responsible to make sure every package is correct.

Comment Re:why is gaming so important (Score 1, Flamebait) 115

Gaming is the latest trend of art, yes there are greedy developers only interested in making money, but in general I feel like the industry want's to make an interesting fun good story. In the early 1900's the novel popular because people learned to read, this is just the next extension of that.

Comment Re:Stupid is as stupid does (Score 1) 377

Hers the thing, his tariffs are already hurting the economy, I'm in trucking and I see it like crazy, it horribly slow compared to this time last year. Companies knew the tariffs were coming and stocked up before they hit, not almost nothing is coming over from china at the same rate it was before. US manufacturing has not picked up the slack yet, because it hasn't become necessary yet. The only effect this will have is killing the economy for the next few years until someone new comes in and gets rid of this garbage. Here's the thing China does not need us, there are plenty of other markets for them to sell to other than the USA. All that is happening is the opposite effects of what Trump wants.

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