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Comment the short answer is: telemedicine (Score 5, Insightful) 211

it's basically an upgraded version of traditional Chinese physicians smelling the emperor's feces as a diagnostic tool

chemical assays of one's urine and feces can test for many health concerns, monitor your diet, and if your medicines need to have their doses adjusted

you'd sit on your toilet in the morning, and then get a message from your doctor saying there's elevated levels of marker in your urine and he wants you to come in the office to check something out

that's the utopian vision anyways

for the dystopian vision, check out all the other comments here

Comment Re:We are living in interesting times (Score 2) 583

They don't do this when people download copies of evidence of other crimes on the internet. Despite the fact that people suffer at least as much in those other crimes, and people also get enjoyment from those things. And get no punishment for that.

you don't validate a point by going "yes, it's wrong, but someone else is doing something wrong"

your point is actually correct in the opposite way: child porn photos should no longer be traded AND crime scene victim photos should no longer be traded. crime scene victim photos aren't punished as badly as child porn photos? correct. so start punishing them as well

the concept of justice is what it is. you can't rationalize it away by saying injustice exists somewhere else

Submission + - Orson Scott Card's Views on Gay Marriage Fuel "Ender's Game" Movie Boycott

circletimessquare writes: The New York Times has the story:

Mr. Card was issuing a public plea for tolerance of his views — “with the recent Supreme Court ruling, the gay marriage issue becomes moot,” he noted in a statement to the Entertainment Weekly Web site — in response to a planned boycott that had burst into prominence only the day before, when The Huffington Post published an article about a Web site called

Comment Re:additional advice: (Score 0) 413

if any other cyclists come to blows with me, i will go home with a black eye, and still alive, rather than in a body bag, like Seth Vidal

if the desire to preserve my life is selfish in the matter of road rules that as far as i understand make no sense whatsoever, then i shall be selfish, and i shall insist other cyclists conform to what i am advising, rather than the other way around, out of their own selfish sense of preservation as well

and then the laws, and bad advice like yours, should change

as for your desire to clothesline people you have a problem with, that has a way of taking care of itself, as no matter how bad ass you think you are, there's always someone out there with an even worse attitude, and you type of guys always seem to have a knack for meeting each other, someone with an worse response than even you can muster, and you probably won't be getting back up. so you're a self-solving problem, friend

Comment Re:additional advice: (Score 0) 413

so i am not allowed to question stupid rules?

a car coming at you at a very high rate of speed compounded with your speed in the opposite direction is a low possibility of survival

as opposed to a zero chance of survival from the idiot swiping you from behind because you cannot SEE him at all, and have NO chance of evasive maneuvers

and so i will continue to prefer a low chance of survival over a zero chance of survival, and continue to ride against traffic, and continue to advise others to do the same, and support that the laws will change to recognize this common sense

Comment Re:additional advice: (Score 0) 413

yes, absolutely, the car coming at you at a very high rate of speed compounded with your speed in the opposite direction is a low possibility of survival

as opposed to a zero chance of survival from the idiot swiping you from behind because you cannot SEE him at all, and have NO chance of evasive maneuvers

and so i will continue to prefer a low chance of survival over a zero chance of survival, and continue to ride against traffic, and continue to advise others to do the same, and support that the laws will change to recognize this common sense

Comment Re:additional advice: (Score 0) 413

On a bicycle, it is difficult to impossible to do this in the amount of time between "oh shit that car will hit me" and it hitting you. On a bicycle, you are better off going with traffic which will reduce the net velocity of you v. the car. For example, if the car is moving 35 MPH and you are riding 25 MPH, it is a 10 MPH hit to the rear tire v. a 60 MPH front-on collision. Guess which one is more survivable when you do not have 2,000 lbs of car surrounding you?

yes, absolutely, the car coming at you at a very high rate of speed compounded with your speed in the opposite direction is a low possibility of survival

as opposed to a zero chance of survival from the idiot swiping you from behind because you cannot SEE him at all, and have NO chance of evasive maneuvers

and so i will continue to prefer a low chance of survival over a zero chance of survival, and continue to ride against traffic, and continue to advise others to do the same, and support that the laws will change to recognize this common sense

I would also advise having mirrors and lights on your bicycle to make yourself more visible and to make it easier to spot SUVs whose drivers are too busy yapping on the goddamn cell phone to pay attention to the road.

thank you for noting what the real problem is: not the behavior of cyclists, but of heavy cars and trucks, and why cyclists should behave defensively... and therefore ride on the side of the road against oncoming traffic

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