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Comment It's rare that I search outside of Wikipedia (Score 1) 17

I have bookmarked the sites that I like, and sometimes I get external links from those. If I want information, I will get it from Wikipedia or local news sources I have bookmarked.

It's rare that I will search for anything, because when I do, I end up seeing AI generated websites which are 90% preamble and 10% copy/paste basic information.

The rest of the results are from Q&A sites where many people are just asking the same question with no real information.

I would enjoy finding personal web sites that do a deep dive on a certain topic, but these have evaporated because instead people just do deep dive discussions on reddit, and these are full of deleted posts and outdated links. The discussions that have posts in them are disorganized and difficult to digest.

There might be information in videos people post online, but many of them are in loud monotone with deleted silence that feel like getting hit in the head with a hammer when I watch them. And I don't really want to sit and watch a video for the information I want.

Ia it just me or is search garbage and a lot of the internet garbage too?

Comment Scripting better be good (Score 1) 14

Hopefully scripting will be robust. This is a weak point for Google. Yes the language they use is well known, but the hooks into the application are not, and there is a lot of functionality that is lacking. Many things must be done with inelegant hacks and workarounds, which makes it difficult to collaborate on code when everyone has their own methods of implementing workarounds.

This is one area where MS Office and even LibreOffice are far superior.

Comment So stupid (Score 4, Insightful) 55

Charging for an installation makes no sense because it has no correlation to the sales. A user might install it only once or 20 times even if they bought it once. It depends if their computer fails, or if they delete the game to free storage and want to reinstall it later. It makes no sense whatsoever and is purely motivated by greed.

If there was actually a metric they needed to address with funding, they would charge 20 cents per unit of that metric. But they don't have an expense they need to cover, just greed, so they picked something random like per install.

Comment Dynamic Island? (Score 1) 73

What do they mean by that?

It appears they mean a notification area that can contain discrete app controls like play/pause/skip for an audio stream for example.

Is this any different than what other mobile devices have? Is there a reason it's only possible on newer iPhone models, or do they intend on standardizing on this interface?

Comment That's a trick (Score 1) 187

That's a trick. European companies are their own countefieters. They change the recipe for different countries where they sell the product.

Getting a counterfeit is unfortunately the only way to get the authentic European experience in North America (aside from importing), because the European brands alter for the local market.

This has the additional effect of making NA people think the European brand is inferior, because they aren't even trying it in its original form.

It's stupid.

Comment Re:Linux lacks applications? No kidding. (Score 0) 164

The reason I jumped ship from windows was because most of the applications I was using were available on Linux.

The desktop software on Windows was full of ads, have annoying installers, and often updated with redesigned interfaces or missing features that would be sold back to you in a Pro version. The most consistent and reliable software that does the job well and doesn't mess around eventually always turned out to be the open source software.

On Linux, installing and updating everything is straight forward and you don't have to jump through hoops and wizards and have your preferences reset by updates. Now ads and telemetry to disable.

It's a better overall experience on Linux.

Comment Just making indie content more relevant (Score 3, Interesting) 84

Hollywood is doing this to their own detriment. The kids are already focused on YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch. Personalities are making money on these platforms, enough to make their own shows and movies, and some are doing just that.

Not to mention international content that is catching on.

Now Hollywood is tightening their grip at a crucial time where viewers, and producers, are already slipping away.

Comment Microsoft's position is of their own making (Score 4, Interesting) 24

Is it Nintendo and Sony's fault MS forced people to buy a useless camera pushing up the weaker performance hardware of Xbox One $100 over their competitor? MS put out an unattractive value proposition. Their focus was on TV and entertainment and being "input one", not games. Their Xbox One reveal was on midday television and aimed at adults, not gamers.

And then for the next 10 years they release good games I can count on one hand. They don't tap into the rich back catalog of studios they purchased such as Rare. They ignore franchises that had followings such as Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazooie.

Is it Nintendo and Sony's fault MS launched the Xbox Series S|X with no new first party games, no killer games, and made people wait 2 years for a weak entry in their main franchise Halo? Delay after delay but broken at launch? Is it Nintendo and Sony's fault that they learned nothing from the disaster that was the Halo Master Chief Collection?

Halo Infinite was the new flagship game for Xbox that they said would be the next 10 years of Halo, and it flopped, it has nobody's attention. They mismanage their own major game. Then they had another big release that was the first game which would not be made with the older hardware in mind, Redfall. It launched at a 4/10 rating.

Is it Nintendo and Sony's fault that MS, a house of talented developers and deep pockets, just kept shooting themselves in the foot and making mistake after mistake?

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