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Comment Re:Standards (Score 1) 160

Let me rephrase this. If you can program in one language, you can program in an other one, usually with a tiny amount of learning curve. The core components for most programs, are easy to learn, and are common across many languages.

When you get a new language...
1. How to do make variables
2. How do you logical branching
3. How do you do loops
4. How do you categorize and organize similar processes.
5. What forms of Input and Output are available. ...

Once you get enough of the basics, which most often is very similar to other languages that you know. You can probably follow someone else's code examples. and pick up on the detail, and know the right questions to google for more answers.

Programming is an Art form. Drawing isn't hard, anyone can draw, however it can still take a lifetime to perfect the craft. Much like traditional art, the Masters have simplified their process where doing their job is very easy to them, while the novice is often doing many things the hard way to accomplish the same outcome. This skilled artist, would be able to change their medium and outperform a novice who focused on that medium. Because they have the discipline and experience to adapt to the changes.

But the entry level to get into programming, isn't that high, that is why I said it isn't that hard. I learned to code when I was 6 years old. My parents and teachers called me a Prodigy and I felt special... However in truth I was just like the other kids, with skills in their hobbies, that I didn't pick up. I just happen to chose a hobby as a kid that other didn't do.

Comment Re:Standards (Score 2) 160

Programming isn't that hard, if you have a good foundations in Computer Science, or Experience with Coding, learning a different language isn't a big deal at all, especially today where online resources are always available.

We need to get off the stupid idea that we need to unify on one language, But choose the correct language for the job.

C code runs faster than Python, unless you get sick of it or hit a time frame where optimal coding cannot be achieved, then the Python code with its libraries may do the job faster.

There is some Fortran software that works pretty damn well, lets just recompile it for the new hardware platform, vs rebuilding it in C#

The customer is 100% Windows, and wants a Windows Application without web crap, so VB.NET may do the job.

I actually lament that Microsoft discontinued FoxPro, it was a great DB Based software Tool better than Access,

Comment Re:Businesses that can vs. businesses that cannot (Score 1) 170

However a lot of people in these Big Tech Cities, who are doing Tech work, are doing a lot of work that can be done from home. Programming, Designing, Planning, and Meetings... The tech people who need to be onsite, are often Network Admins, Product Manufacturing, then you will need people to be at customer sites, for the likes of support, and consulting (while consulting could be done from home, you have to be at your customers disgression)

I live near Upstate NY. A hundred years ago, that was the Silicon Valley of its day. Where it pioneered electric lights, Television and early electronic computers.

However when these companies started to outsource, these once shiny high tech towns, had fallen to a shell of their former self. With a lot of expensive infrastructure that no longer is being fully used, and costing the locals a lot more in taxes, at the same time, is slowly rotting away.

It is a warning to all the other towns that are giving Companies Tax Breaks, and building large infrastructure to attract big businesses. Once the company has used up that local areas value, it will just dump it and move on, or they themselves will go out of business. Leaving the community worse then it was before.

Comment Re:Think of the implications (Score 2) 111

I have learned a long time ago, Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet. I actually fear that I might have accidentally created the Flat Earth movement, because while I was younger and had time, in response to some anti-evolution post, I created some crazy explanation on why the earth was flat, figuring it was too stupid for anyone to take seriously. It did get moderated insightful or its equivalent for the sites, I thought it was because people got the sarcasm. However it just might had been a bunch of people who actually believed my stupid nonsense.

Comment Re:Let's push EVs even harder!! (Score 4, Insightful) 111

The problem is Air Conditioners, not EV.
Air Conditioners require constant High Power to keep your home cool. For most people they will charge their EV in the evening when it is Cooler and only for about an hour or so with a normal commute) Most EVs even have the option to only charge late at night to save on power bill, thus allowing slighly less difference between day usage and night usage, allowing for a more consistent power strategy.
Also to note a lot of home users who get EV also consider offsetting with Solar Panels which will also help balance the grid.

Home AC are the biggest problem, they are often running high during peak power usage times, because that is when it is the hottest, as well to make it worse, they are cooling homes where their may not be anyone in the home at the time. Electric Cars are not a problem at this point. As well who is pushing everyone to get an EV? I keep on hearing that people are getting pushed into getting one, however I never seen anyone doing this.

They are intensives to switch, but you can still get a gas guzzler. There may be a point in a decade where their may new Gas models of particular classes of cars, but I don't see any push to get rid of your older car. The transition to EV, is running rather gradual, definitely at a rate which our grid can manage it.

Comment It is not the late 1990's Microsoft but... (Score 1) 21

It is no longer like the 1990's where Microsoft was the Unstoppable juggernaut. Where Apple, Google, and Amazon had humbled them a bit. However in Gaming, they are especially pron to their old ways, of Embrace, Extend Extinguish. As in the Console Market, Nintendo just kinda does its own thing, and Sony is its only main competitor and Sony isn't so much on a strong footing.

Comment Re:Slooks like a case of (Score 1) 43

Well I don't know why you are attacking me personally. (Are you thinking I am pushing a Hard Right Agenda?) And giving a different name to the action, doesn't make it better or worse.

A lot of the laws about being "proactive" about AI, are based on Science Fiction warnings about what could happen with AI. Not based off hard data and mathematical forecasts. Being too "proactive" and being based on weak data, is a good way to restrict yourself into stagnation. While of course if we have real tangible threats that come up, and after a good cost benefit analysis we defiantly should regulate it.

Social media for example, we have collected data to show how harmful it is, how it is being used to push misinformation, as well their content algorithms are to push views not insightful information. As well how it hindering peoples mental health. So laws limiting it is justified. But laws on AI, Genetic Engineering, and the like which have been staples of Science Fiction for generations, probably should be handled with a bit more care, to make sure we are just not afraid of it, because the stories (often using these as a plot element, vs an actual commentary on the science, Kahn in Star Trek, wasn't an allogory against genetic engineering, but giving the crew of the Enterprise a nemesis, who is stronger and smarter than Spock, more Clever and Influential than Kirk, to give them a good story. The bit about Superior Ability creates Superior Ambition, is just a way to make sure that Kahn will be the Bad Guy and not able to Influenced easily to change. )

Comment You could ask your existing IT Staff before... (Score 3, Insightful) 19

A company could probably save a lot of money by seeking advice from its own IT Staff on how to do things.
So often I see institutions going with the most expensive and unreliable solutions, vs a cheap and iron clad solutions that their internal staff has in place.
Oh NO we have Administrators who wrote a Script to automate a mission critical job, which has been running flawlessly for a decade. Nope, we better pay a million dollars for a new piece of software to do the same thing, but because it does more than what we need, it is often harder to configure, and takes more time to get it to work, but hey it isn't programming. And we don't need to hire programmers to to fix the job... However it will now take 3 times as many people to keep that software working, and don't bother changing the HR requirements that demand programming skills.

a Dozen line script, placed in the operating systems task scheduler/Cron that does one thing well does the job. However the execs get impressed by a marketing team, and the fact that most execs feel like they are not good enough always tries to do what every other company is doing, even if all the other companies are failing.

Comment Is Japans Aging population to blame? (Score 3, Insightful) 20

30/40 years ago Japan and Japanese companies were hot. Now they are slowly becoming more bland and out of date compared to what the rest of the wold is bringing to the table. With perhaps the exception of the Playstation the Sony electronics brand is kinda humdrum. Toyota just lost its spot on best selling car to Tesla Model Y.

I am not saying Japan is doomed to failure, because Mitsubishi is leading in Residential Heat Pumps, as well in many other industries. But for the hot interesting new stuff, Japanese brands are no longer hitting a radar of interests, compared to say Korean Companies Like Samsung,LG,Kia, Hundia or Chinese Companies.

For the most part I get a vibe of Old People in the room dismissing the younger generation idea, as just stupid fads and double down on what use to work. Which is probably the safest route, but will not get yourself ahead.

Comment Re:Slooks like a case of (Score 1) 43

Restrictive laws are great just as long as they don't effect you.
That said, EU and other more Left law makers, do tend to jump to make laws to prevent a theoretical negative outcome, with little data to show that will be the case.

So we do need lobby groups to try to show the worst case, isn't the most probable case.

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