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Submission + - Damn Vulnerable Linux

Scott Ainslie Sutton writes: "Enterprise GNU/Linux Resource have highlighted a newly created GNU/Linux distribution named Damn Vulnerable Linux, built upon Damn Small Linux. The distribution, headed by Thorsten Schneider, aims to deliver the Operating System in such a way that it allows Security Students first hand insight and hands on experience with Security issues within GNU/Linux in order to teach them protection and mitigation techniques The project's website describes the distribution as 'the most vulnerable, exploitable Operating System ever' and it's true, the developers have ensured that it contains outdated, ill-configured, flawed code and contains GNU/Linux 2.4 Kernel which is known to have many exploitable avenues in itself. Damn Vulnerable Linux's website can be viewed here."

Submission + - Final AACS key found

julie-h writes: The PowerDVD AACS private key for playing Blu-Ray and HD-DVD's have been found. This was the last key needed. What does this mean? We don't have to sniff/snoop Volume IDs anymore. We can create a program that can decrypt (or play if you will) a disc without any need for WinDVD or PowerDVD. So no sniffing/extracting of keys anymore. And more over: it can work on all platforms... In other words: we can make our own independent, user friendly player (or decrypter).

Submission + - The Best SE Books?

Tokimasa writes: "What would Slashdot recommend as "must have" books in the field of Software Engineering? Below are a list of the books that I own, most of which I have at least looked through and will be reading whenever I get more time. If it's on this list, I recommend it. I'm just curious as to what everyone else has on their bookshelf, either at home or work.

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers
Dynamics of Software Development (2006 Edition)
Code Complete (2nd Edition)
Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules
The Design of Everyday Things
The Cathedral & The Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary
Software Requirements (Second Edition)"

Submission + - Humans hardwired to believe in supernatural deity?

dohcrx writes: According to a New York Times article published March 4, 2007 6 in 10 Americans believe in the devil and hell, 7 in 10 believe in angels, heaven and the existence of miracles and life after death while 92% believe in a personal God.

"When a trait is universal, evolutionary biologists look for a genetic explanation and wonder how that gene or genes might enhance survival or reproductive success."

"Which is the better biological explanation for a belief in God — evolutionary adaptation or neurological accident? Is there something about the cognitive functioning of humans that makes us receptive to belief in a supernatural deity?"

"Religion made incursions into the traditional domain of science with attempts to bring intelligent design into the biology classroom and to choke off human embryonic stem-cell research on religious grounds. Scientists responded with counterincursions. Experts from the hard sciences, like evolutionary biology and cognitive neuroscience, joined anthropologists and psychologists in the study of religion, making God an object of scientific inquiry."

Submission + - Now playing: Open Source movies

Pritesh writes: "After YouTube, Will it be

The Web 2.0 era, the next step in internet evolution, has opened up the online world in a way that the internet is now largely driven by User Generated Content (UGC). Be it the popular Wikipedia, or the phenomenon called YouTube, the web experience is no longer a one way lane. Today, it's all about buzz words like 'Broadcast yourself,' 'Create your own space,' or simply 'Wiki' in everything. Here's looking at an effort by a 26 year old Indian techie, who — inspired by the Open source revolution, combined with his love for movies and technology in the Web2.0era — initiated a User Generated Movie platform,"

Submission + - Ocean Floor Crust Wound to Be Explored

eldavojohn writes: "A group of scientists are disembarking right now to study an open gash in the ocean floor where earth's mantle lays exposed without any crust covering it. The scientists describe these as similar to stretch marks that a person might experience on their skin from a growth spurt. Either that or the mantle was never covered by the crust and just has always been like this. From the article, "Regardless of how they formed, the exposed mantle provides scientists with a rare opportunity to study the Earth's rocky innards. Many attempts to drill deep into the planet barely get past the crust.""

Submission + - WiPeer offers Serverless p2p collaboration

HateBreeder writes: A group of researchers at the Technion, Israel's Institute of Technology, have created WiPeer — a new Serverless p2p application. What's new about it, is that it creates Ad-Hoc networks: networks which are formed between two or more laptops equipped with WiFi without reliance on any access-point or other third party infrastructure. While the technology is not new, this is the first time it has been wrapped into an easily installable and configurable package. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to that wireless router? Read more here.

Submission + - Complete Computing System in 20K lines of Code

Ron Teitelbaum writes: "Viewpoints Research Institute work Steps Toward The Reinvention of Programming — A Compact And Practical Model of Personal Computing As A Self-Exploratorium has been picked up by the National Science Foundation and will be supported with a 5 year grant. Check out Ian Piumarta's, of Viewpoints Research Institute, Stanford University talk"
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - RIAA Bashed in the Sunday Comics

ryanduff writes: While reading the comics this morning, I had a good laugh as the comic Foxtrot (Bill Amend) bashes the Recording Industry Association of America for suing "single moms, widows, grandmothers, dead people, and children." Jason Fox attempts to get away with downloading by teaching his pet iguana Quincy how to use Bittorrent and someone at the RIAA puts their psychiatrist on hold because "someone named 'lizardlips' is downloading Metallica."

Submission + - Running Late and Wasting Billions; Punctuality...

Ant writes: "ABC News reports a recent survey found 15 to 20 percent of the United States/U.S. population is "consistently late," especially when it comes to work. Chronic lateness isn't just annoying — it's expensive. American Chief Executive Officers/CEOs are late to eight out of every 10 meetings, according to a 2006 survey by Proudfoot Consulting. And when CEOs are late by 10 minutes every day, it costs the U.S. economy $90 billion in lost productivity. This Reuters article say Peruvians are mostly late that made punctuality program organizers to make campaigns to resolve this issue. Seen on Digg and in one of its Digg comment."

Submission + - Why is RAM so bloody expensive?

LuckyEdBoy66 writes: This has annoyed me for a while, but today i was surfing Newegg for some RAM (Random Access Memory), and I was outraged by the price tags on those things. none that i found were under $100 for 1gb (ok, i didn't look that hard). What is the deal? I have seen 1gb SD cards for under $10, so why is RAM so pricey? sure they use different types of memory and formating, but if technology can produce cheap SD cards and flash drives, one would think it could do the same for RAM... The only possible explanation i can think of is that all the people upgrading to Vista are flocking to upgrade their machines and thus causing a huge supply shortage (ya, right. we all know better than that...). ok, so if thats illogical, then where IS the logic? is there any foreseeable price drop in the near future?

Submission + - FCC report: TV violence should be regulated

tanman writes: CNN reports that a draft FCC report circulating on Capitol Hill "suggests Congress could craft a law that would let the agency regulate violent programming much like it regulates sexual content and profanity — by barring it from being aired during hours when children may be watching, for example ... 'In general, what the commission's report says is that there is strong evidence that shows violent media can have an impact on children's behavior and there are some things that can be done about it,' FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said Thursday. The issue is bipartisan. Martin, a Republican, gave a joint interview to The Associated Press with Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps."
Wireless (Apple)

Submission + - 802.11n AirPort Extreme reviewed: 90 Mbps +

Glenn Fleishman writes: "In my review of the Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station over at, I note that the thing really can break 90 Mbps with real throughput using 5 GHz wide channels. Pretty impressive. The base station desperately needs gigabit Ethernet, and needs a fix to a glitch that throttles speed in limited cases between the LAN and WAN segments of the router. (A networking stack in NetBSD, the unit's OS according to documents on the CD-ROM, might be the cause.) Despite those couple of provisos, it's pretty slick to fire up a wireless router, walk halfway down a block, and still get several Mbps."

Submission + - Apple CEO lambasts teacher unions

An anonymous reader writes: After publishing a controversial open letter taking a stance against DRM, Steve Jobs turned his attention to teacher unions. As reported by Associated Press, Jobs said "I believe that what is wrong with our schools in this nation is that they have become unionized in the worst possible way," during an education reform conference. He stated that no amount of technology in the classroom would improve public schools until principals could fire bad teachers. Acknowledging the potential fallout of this stance, Jobs also said "Apple just lost some business in this state, I'm sure."

On the other hand, Dell responded that unions were created because "the employer was treating his employees unfairly and that was not good. So now you have these enterprises where they take good care of their people. The employees won, they do really well and succeed."
Real Time Strategy (Games)

Submission + - Ogame...Dead.

Ogame player writes: "Ogame, ran since 2004, september. Always been the best, skill was the key, you couldnt pay for stuff, you couldnt buy "points" or "credits" to build a load of something. Your skill brought you that new ship, or that new upgrade. Now, Gameforge, its creators, lie blatantly to its users, totally reject a 93% NO vote, and implement "The Officers". The time has come, one of the best online games, now ruined, your skill doesnt count so much now, your bank account does. 4 "Officers" each with a different thing, that translates into resource...Break it down, you pay for resources, something we were promised would never happen, due to unfairness. Thousands deleting their accounts, some deleting 2-3 of their accounts, thousands more in alliances vacation-mode and delete pressed...Massive uproars, and we get told by a Gameforge community manager that its here to stay... Ogame, the best online game ruined. Didnt even make version 1.0. Gameforge, we salute you, and your greed."

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