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Comment Re:Language (Score 0) 34

For a long while now it's been Slashdot: News from India, stuff the Americans.

The purpose of a summary is to communicate information. The article summary failed at its primary (and only) mission by including, without explanation, non-English words in an English language summary.

Sorry, Indians. Article summary is a FAIL. Maybe "do the needful" and learn that there's a difference between knowing a language and mimicking a language.

Comment Re:Smart Phones (Score 1) 59

Yes, there is a certain large segment of Chinese men who will carry pink phones. Anything that makes them seem more "western" than their perceived domestic competition.

What I'd like to know is if there's a way for Slashdot's submitters and editors to bring us stories like this one with out the condescending anti-US attitude. I've read that /. is outsourcing a lot of its editorial duties, but that shouldn't lead to alienating the site's majority audience.

Comment What's the reason for reason? (Score 2) 76

Since when has reason had anything to do with navigating the London tube system?

And why do so many cities use nautical themes for their stored payment cards?
London: Oyster
Hong Kong: Octopus
Seattle: Orca
Montreal: Opus
San Francisco: Clipper
Bolton: Squid
Merseyside: Walrus
Wellington: Snapper

Comment Re:How do you know? (Score 2) 279

Anyone who thinks this is a password problem either doesn't have many IoT devices in their homes, or was into IoT at the very beginning, and doesn't know how current devices work. I have close to 30 IoT devices in my home and have only had to deal with a password once, and that was for a cloud-based lightbulb that is so old it's no longer made.

IoT devices for the home these days never expose the user to the password. They generally scan a QR code on the device itself or connect through a wireless connection that requires proximity.

Moreover, arguing about things like passwords doesn't answer the OP's question. Try to stay on topic.

Comment Re:So in other words it's used and is useful (Score 1) 248

You must not live in a part of the world where the weather forecast includes phrases like "Snow and sleet above 3,000 feet tonight." This is very common in the western U.S. That's the reason that interstate highways are frequently marked with signs reading "Elevation 2,500 feet."

If I'm driving on a road that doesn't have elevation signs, but I know that there is going to be bad weather above a certain altitude, shouting "Hey, Siri, what's my current altitude?" in the car is going to make for far better trip planning and execution.

Comment Re: So in other words it's used and is useful (Score -1, Troll) 248

1. "Not as useful" is subjective. In the last six years I don't think I've ever plugged anything into any of my mobile phones 3.5mm jacks. Bluetooth audio has been around for a long, long time and I've always used that instead. Meanwhile, I've used apps that require, or would be enhanced by the presence of, a barometer pretty much every day. Weather trends, hiking, skiing, and lots of other activities other than playing Xbox in your mother's basement make a barometer very useful.

Old-fashioned 3.5mm jacks are so obsolete that in many Asian nations, they're only used for holding "mascots" — Little cartoon charms.

2. If you think you can fit both in, then you should patent your great knowledge and make millions. But you won't. Because you're not an engineer, just another internet troll. I'm going to guess that the fleets of highly paid, highly trained engineers Apple has on staff know a little more about how the iPhones are designed than some random loser who is such a total loss he has to post AC.

How's that floppy drive working out for you, Mr. Dell?

Comment Re:Pretty sure this is just a thumb in the eye... (Score 1) 30

It'll never happen. People lose control of their names all the time, especially in the fashion industry. Look at Kate Spade. She made a big brand under her name, but then sold out to a giant megacorp. That megacorp owns her name now, and she has to start hew new fashion line under the name Frances Valentine.

John thinks he'll win the lawsuit because, like so many other people in Silicon Valley, he's arrogant and thinks the rules of every other industry don't apply to tech.

Comment Re:Uh (Score 1) 57

If you could find out how many subscribers it has in each country, it might not be odd at all.

Also, you have to factor in things like the potential for natural disaster (Japan) and the gub'mint horking your servers in a political/ransom/whoknows move (Russia). Sweden's a good, stable location from which to serve content across the top of the world with little worry.

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