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Comment Re:Insightful video (Score 2) 243

but they go directly after the science of human behavior. All done in a warm, fuzzy feel that Google is somehow your very best friend. It's entirely psychological.

Hello first post troll, but you unintentionally stumbled on something interesting.

See how Google started removing borders around ads and made the shading super light in order to get ad clicks from older people and people with bad monitor calibration:



Those carefully and scientifically calibrated colors must be worth atleast few hundred million of extra revenue from their cash cow by making gullible people click on ads.

Comment Re:Anything to get more customers (Score 1) 716

But because it's Microsoft, fuck them, right?

If Google modified the Chrome browser to strip out ads on/from Microsoft owned properties, Microsoft would have a fit. Anti-trust complaints in multiple jurisdiction, legal threats, political lobbying, chair throwing, the works.

So yes, fuck them.

No they won't do that.
A critical update will go out on Windows Update globally that will simply update change the /etc/hosts file to redirect to Bing.

Comment Re:Anything to get more customers (Score 1) 716

I think Microsoft are just upset they're screwgled because nobody wants Windows 8 or Windows phones and everyone knows it.

If no one is using Windows Phone, why is Google getting upset about losing ad revenue from a Youtube App that runs only on Windows phones? And yet they're not losing enough to make an app themselves.

Submission + - Google serves Microsoft a C&D to takedown Windows Phone Youtube App 2

mystikkman writes: After years of complaining to the EU and others about Google not allowing Windows Phone access to the same Youtube API features used by the Android and iOS apps and Google's refusal to make one for Windows Phone, Microsoft recently went ahead and released their own app featuring even a download button. However, Google served a Cease and Desist on Microsoft today to immediately take down the app citing lack of ads. In response, Microsoft commented that it would be more than happy to add ads if only Google would give them access to the API and indirectly accused Google of trying to cripple Windows Phone by refusing it access to one of the most popular apps on smartphones and citing Larry Page's comments at Google I/O calling for more openness in the tech space.

Given how much of humanity's video content is locked into Youtube, looks like Google needs to append "except on Windows Phone" to their grandiose mission statement: "Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

Comment Re: Damned if they do... (Score 2) 275

The problems with that approach are:

1) The programs will get a lot more complex in order to work around the lack of permissions. Example, what if the user denies a GPS navigation program access to the GPS? The program will have to keep prompting the user for the access. What if Angry Birds keeps prompting the user for access to the GPS and refuses to run without it?

2) The dancing bunnies problem: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2005/07/the-dancing-bunnies-problem.html
Users have repeatedly shown that they will click anything and do anything in order to get access to the app/program without a second thought to the implications.

Comment Re:Wait... what? (Score 1) 250

First, if the numbers were any good, Google would be bragging about them instead of hiding them. That shows how badly they're selling. Because of this, we have to use the numbers we can get. If you have any better metric, let me know.

Second, if you hadn't failed reading comprehension, it says right there in the summary that the 5000 figure is from 2011 from the first six months of selling them.

Also, the Nokia Windows Phones were bestsellers on Amazon, so you're arguing that they sold really well?


Comment Re:Wait... what? (Score 3, Insightful) 250

Chromebooks have been topping the Amazon sales charts. Clearly TFA's numbers are bullshit because you don't top Amazon by selling less than 5,000 units.

X is dying. Slashdot confirms it. One of the oldest trolls that still works.

Submitter here. The 5000 figure is from the first 6 months of sales from June/July 2011.The Amazon sales charts numbers are from January of this year. Also, not many folks buy laptops from Amazon, so topping the sales there is nothing big.

Comment Re:Give up (Score 1) 250

It would be like telling Apple "Give up and stop making iOS, just license Android instead.

It would be nothing like that. iOS sells tens of millions every quarter and generates billions in revenue and profit. Why should Apple give up? Meanwhile, without the subsidy from the ad profits from Google search, Chromebooks will fail and be immediately discontinued.

Comment Re:The Solution (Score 0) 309

Think about it: Barnes and Noble called them out on it *and won* since they have a good argument for the Doctrine of Laches (regarding the NDA's). Which estopped MS from collecting anything on the patents in question

Reference needed about the "winning" part. In fact, B&N ended up having to pay licensing fees on the patents.


Don't believe everything you read on the agenda-driven Groklaw.

Submission + - Real world stats show Chromebooks are struggling

recoiledsnake writes: The first real world stats for Chromebooks show that they're struggling to have any traction in the marketplace. In its first week of monitoring worldwide usage of Google's Chrome OS, NetMarketShare reported that the percentage of web traffic from Chromebooks was roughly 2/100 of 1 percent, a figure too small to earn a place on its reports. The first Chromebooks went on sale in June 2011, nearly two years ago, with Acer reportedly selling fewer than 5000 units in the first six months and Samsung selling even fewer. In the past three years, Chromebook sales have been worse than even three months worth of WindowsRT sales. Perhaps users are heeding Stallman's warning on Chromebooks. We previously discussed reports of Chromebook topping Amazon sales, selling to 2000 schools and wondered whether QuickOffice on ChromeOS can topple Microsoft Office.

Comment Re: Fuck off (Score 0) 309

Depends on whether you see any analysts talking about a high level of unsold inventory, I don't see any evidence of too much channel stuffing happening.

The Lumia 520 sold out in less than half hour on Walmart.com.



Sold out on India's Amazon equivalent flipcart too, in fact it's out of stock since a month because of the heavy demand.


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