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Comment A new name divorced from their core? (Score 4, Insightful) 481

Why of all things QWIKSTER? Why not MailFlix/NetFlix. Much more in line with the service capabilities.

Dear Reed:
I don't know you and this morning you send me an email telling me you messed up but yet I have never heard of you. I have a feeling you messed up again and didn't think this through. So now I'll need to have TWO accounts? Please reply when you know what you really want to do.


A new disgruntled customer.

Comment Four Dead In O-HI-O (Score 1) 222

Wow so close to history TWICE that day.
Since I was only ten years old at the time I remember the the shootings but not this bit o' history. I did live around that area, I do know that hotel did turn really sleazy just a few years after that symposium.


Comment Re:...as opposed to what? (Score 1) 148

Thanks for sticking with me. However, I always thought that painting them all up (especially like Southwest) is a real waste anyway. Between the extra weight of the paint to the solvents they use to remove the paint, just seems foolish for brandings sake.

Comment Re:...as opposed to what? (Score 1) 148

Is it not true that they need to strip all that paint to test & inspect properly?

I am not an airframe engineer (obviously), According to Douglas Feith on NBC news (allegedly a former NTSB investigator), the paint does get in the way of their testing.

Comment Re:...as opposed to what? (Score 1) 148

You know, I'd seriously question their (Southwest Airlines) paint-scheme.
That blue is quite dark and probably really heats up on those southwest American airport tarmacs.

I'd definitely feel safer in a non-painted airliner, knowing that they have to totally strip the plane to test for cracking.

Comment Re:iPhad; hardware is sexy? (Score 1) 174

I'm glad someone has created an improvement. Your points are valid though I have been using a tablet for FIVE YEARS. The Ipad is neither new -or- magical, just different. The viewsonic has a consumer replaceable battery. TWO USB ports (Keyboard & Mouse), a speaker (lame-one at that) and separate mic & speaker outs. Sadly, no camera but I realize time marches on and I wondered what was taking so long for an actual tablet to get wide-market acceptance. It's still great for browsing the web while I chill and watch TV for the 2 hours a night. When I am done, I put it in the dock to recharge it. The battery life issue does not affect me. I simply cannot wait to replace the Viewsonic tablet with something else. Not necessarily Apple...Most likely not...

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