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Comment I've got one on the way (Score 2) 138

I'm going to try one out. The home computer form factor is going to change. I have tried the Asus Transformer and like it. The removable keyboard works great but to be a primary home computer it needs to have a larger display and larger keyboard. I was hoping Asus they would release something in the 15-17 inch range in the Transformer series but I don't think that has happened yet. The Dell XPS18 is a bit larger than I was thinking but it is getting decent reviews so I'll give it a shot ... it will be my first shot at Win8 too (sigh). Sure it isn't a lightweight but its no Sony Tap 20 @ 11 Lbs.

Comment Re:Nice idea, wrong problem (Score 1) 193

Tesla's fast charging is OK but not great. If you have to stop for more than one fast charge on a trip then people are not going to like it. Assuming equal costs to the customer: If a battery swap can happen in roughly the same amount of time as a gasoline tank refill and have 100% driving range then swapping is better than quick charging.

Comment Re:Hyper-V or vSphere. (Score 1) 191

Free = ESXi = HyperV
Managed = not free = vSphere = Virtual Machine Manager

Microsoft's Virtual Machine Manager is not free and has other component requirements that will significantly add to your implementation costs unless you are already running Systems Center and SQL.

The last time we tried HV & VMM was Windows 2008 R2 w/ VMM 2010. MS brought in a partner to set it up as a direct comparison to our production vSphere plant. It was a joke.

I think we had to stand up 2 or 3 extra servers (VMs) to manage VMM and it's guests. Performance was horrible for no reason. VMs would forget which disk to boot from. NIC bonding was still unsupported (it is now in 2K12). Administration was unnecessarily complex. At a minimum you need to already be a MS shop that is running Windows clustering, SQL, and SCCM.... which we are.

MS says HV 2K12 is so much better. I"m sure we will take a look at it soon enough but I would be suspicious.

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
