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Comment Re:Shallow research (Score 3, Informative) 203

It looks like the control group was big name movies that people would go to see with friends no matter what happened on the Internet. I guess the theory is people will have heard of them so the social aspect of sharing movies online wouldn't affect them, but at the same time the people who share the movies and watch them either don't go to movies at all, or will still go to a big name movie with their friends.

Comment Re:No surprise there (Score 3, Informative) 263

No, a proper one time pad is random and the results will also appear random. The only vulnerability is if the pad it was generated off of isn't truly random or if it's improperly used. If the pad was used more than once or used repeatedly over the message, then there might be hints to decode it. Otherwise, you can brute force it all you want, but you're just as likely to come up with an incorrect "decoded" message as the real one. Since each letter of each word is coded with its own key, guessing the word "Germany" doesn't help you figure out if the word after is "attacks" or "retreats".

Comment Re:Reality (Score 1) 403

Phone calls aren't encrypted either - they're probably even a bit easier to intercept as they don't need the post office involved.

They still need a warrant to listen in on, however.

Law enforcement also can't go back to see all my old post cards and listen to my old phone conversations they same way they could view my old emails.

Comment Re:HurrDurr 101? (Score 5, Insightful) 65

That part actually makes sense. Skype allows you have have multiple accounts tied to the same email (some people might use that to separate contacts but maintain the same email). To make it easy to use, you don't have to verify the email belongs to you, but email is really only for password resets so it's not a big deal if you put a bogus email in.

Now if you were just signed up with some random guy's email, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but the BIG security issue here is that for whatever reason Skype will send the password reset message to the random guy's email AND any Skype client associated with the email, and then almost worse, let you pick which account on the email to reset.

If the password reset message was just sent to the email, it would be fine, but sending it to an account that doesn't have a verified email is an issue.

Comment Re:squeaky wheels (Score 1) 707

Voting for a third party isn't very helpful. At best, it'll cause a split in the electoral college that annoys enough people. At worst, it takes away votes from the candidate that more closely matches the candidate you voted for causing them to lose.

What's needed is to reform the voting system so third party votes are meaningful.

Comment Re:Vote (Score 5, Insightful) 707

The point of regulation is to confine.

If we could trust corporations to keep our rivers from catching fire, keep the economy from collapsing, sterilize their products from meningitis, collude and monopolize markets, then we wouldn't need regulations.

Unfortunately, many corporations put profits above everything else, so we need to confine them and reduce those profits to better our society and protect the members.

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