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Comment Re:rather have money (Score 2) 524

So much bullshit, at least for the UK.

I lived there for 4 years and I used the NHS quite frequently and on all levels (from GP to hospital specialists and doing several kinds of analysis).

If anything, what is horrible with the NHS is the GPs, because you only get 15 minutes (counted by the second) and that's it. GPs do not seem to care, and you are just a number.

But once you get to the specialist and hospital, everything changes. First, everything is free, so you do not have to worry. Second, the specialists in the hospitals seem to really care, and you know that they are going to make all analysis necessary to find your problem. And you don't have to care about the cost.

I miss that system, really.

Comment Re:Argentina, Iceland, Hungary, Ukraine, (Score 3, Insightful) 334

Gotta love how libertarians keep blabbing about "fiat currencies" and how the currencies can collapse "at any time". While technically true, currencies collapsed under gold standards, and probably at a rate faster than what you see in today's economy. What folks don't seem to understand is that money has no value in and of itself, but is based on a population's ability to produce goods and services. Whether you use bitcoins, greenbacks, electrons on a hard drive or gold doesn't change this truth.

By definition, money is simply a means of exchange... tying it to an arbitrary material is silly. In the old days, countries manipulated currencies through artificial means and like today when those means run their course, bad things happen.

So, gold, paper or electrons, a country's prosperity is tied to the competence of its government. While this is a scary fact, it is the truth.

Comment Take it to ycombinator (Score 1) 205

I recommend you take this question to news.ycominator.com It is a forum were lots of entrepreneurs meet and discuss. Most likely, in Slanshot you will only get responses undervaluing your job/algorithm, saying how many ways it sucks and how you could achieve the same with current X or Y (including virtualdub) open source technologies.

Good luck!

Comment Re:Qt Creator. (Score 1) 97

I always liked DevCPP and later Code::Blocks. KDevelop seemed very buggy as it crashed very often, and it also felt very resource hungry (and you needed a lot of clicks to start a project or program.

Comment Re:Wow! (Score 4, Insightful) 314

Here's the rub. For someone like me, I couldn't care less about HFT. I am in it for the long haul. I've invested for almost all of my adult life. I don't invest on hunches, instead I buy broadly and then hold for a long time. My investments do about as well as the broad market and I have almost no trading costs. Even if some doofus thinks he can beat the market (no, they can't), he'll eat up 1-2% of his money on fees.

So let folks be stupid and market time and talk about dead cat bounces and triple witching hours and other mumbo jumbo. In the long-run I will beat the vast majority and I will do so with very little effort on my part.

The reality is the only investors who can beat my strategy are active investors who are involved in the management of the assets they own (like Buffett) and those with insider information (real insidr info, not what your brother in law told you at the cocktail party). So, let the market tank for a couple hours, a couple days or even a couple years. I couldn't care less.

Comment Re:Evidence (Score 1) 13

Oh dear, God, seriously? So we don't have access to the evidence at this point. Of course you don't. There is this thing called a trial where evidence gets presented. It isn't the government's job to give you all of the evidence in a made for TV movie.

Wait until the trial, then all of the evidence gets presented. Then make your judgement.

Comment Evidence (Score 1) 13

No evidence at all.

Just that they were seen on video dropping off a backpack at the scene of the bombing shortly before the bomb went off.
Seen not reacting to the bomb explosion itself when everyone around did.
Getting involved in a high speed chase where they threw explosives out of the car
Older brother had explosives strapped to his chest
Younger brother indicated that older brother was one who directed the plot.

Nope, no evidence at all. And this is all that has been sent to the media. There is likely more that we aren't aware of.

Here's a tip... let the trial actually begin before questioning the evidence.

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