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Comment Re:Cilmate manipulation eh? (Score 2, Insightful) 45

> ... the humans living in the areas that are becoming unfit for human life...

The Gulf states are already 'unfit for human life' and always have been .... without modern air conditioning.
There is 'nothing' there apart from Oil and Gas (and some nice Scuba diving) ... and it doesn't require millions of residents and
an extravagant lifestyle to extract it. When, eventually, the energy reservoirs are gone (or unprofitable), people may find they need to move on ....


Comment Re:Other side of the coin (Score 1) 120

There is a correlation between average winter temperatures and mortality rates in the elderly in the northern latitude countries.... A little warmer will mean slightly longer lifespan expectancy in those places. It will also reduce the carbon emissions associated with keeping warm in those winter months, as well as slightly reducing the associated energy bills for the citizens of those places.

It’s an I’ll wind etc etc.

On the other hand it makes the endless expansion of the Gulf State’s population with their high-end air conditioned lifestyle look increasingly foolish and counterproductive.

My 2c/2d

Submission + - UK Tory party borrows Trump's Playbook (

AleRunner writes: The UK election began only in the last week however one side is making all the running in fake news: The UK Tory party has already been caught for the third time pushing misinformation, this time showing a fake site designed to fake the real Labour party manifesto. This follows from fraudulently presented its own twitter feed as a fact checking site during the UK's first election debate where the party had a warning from Twitter but will "escape actual consequences" from it's actions and an earlier situation where they were caught manipulating videos to delete an opposition politician's answer on Brexit. According to the Independent, the European parliament’s Brexit coordinator, said the move was “dystopian” and beyond what even the far-right regimes of eastern Europe might try. The Conservative campaign is definitely one of the dirtiest ever attempted in the United Kingdom.

Submission + - Windows subsystem for Linux improvements

deviated_prevert writes: Microsoft has rationalized memory allocation in their VM for Linux.
Developers Blog Might this change make their VM a much better choice than other ones currently available for Windows? Or is using Windows to run a Linux VM still a bit of an oxymoron?

Submission + - SPAM: Distrustful U.S. allies force spy agency to back down in encryption fight

schwit1 writes: An international group of cryptography experts has forced the U.S. National Security Agency to back down over two data encryption techniques it wanted set as global industry standards, reflecting deep mistrust among close U.S. allies.

In interviews and emails seen by Reuters, academic and industry experts from countries including Germany, Japan and Israel worried that the U.S. electronic spy agency was pushing the new techniques not because they were good encryption tools, but because it knew how to break them.

The NSA has now agreed to drop all but the most powerful versions of the techniques — those least likely to be vulnerable to hacks — to address the concerns.

Link to Original Source

Submission + - Bill would require IT workers to report child pornography (

Mr.Intel writes: A Utah lawmaker wants computer technicians to face jail time if they don't immediately report child pornography they discover on someone's computer. The proposal would require computer technicians to report child pornography to law enforcement or a federal cyber tip line if they encounter the material, but they would not be required to go searching for it. If they find it and don't report it, they could be given up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

It would mirror laws already on the books in at least 12 other states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Submission + - Hot Potato Exploit Gives Attackers the Upper Hand On Multiple Windows Versions

An anonymous reader writes: By chaining together a series of known Windows security flaws, researchers from Foxglove Security have discovered a way to break into almost all of Microsoft's recent versions of Windows. The exploit, named Hot Potato, relies on three different types of attacks, some of which were discovered back at the start of the new millennium, in 2000. Going through these exploits one by one may take attackers from minutes to days, but if successful, the attacker can elevate an application's permissions from the lowest rank to system-level privileges. All of these security flaws have been left unpatched by Microsoft, with the explanation that by patching them, the company would effectively break compatibility between the different versions of their operating system.

Submission + - Iran behind cyber attacks on U.S. banks (

who_stole_my_kidneys writes: Evidence suggest the Iranian government is behind cyber attacks this week that have targeted the websites of JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America. The attack is described by one source, a former U.S. official familiar with the attacks, as being "significant and ongoing" and looking to cause "functional and significant damage." Also, one source suggested the attacks were in response to U.S. sanctions on Iranian banks.

Submission + - US retires famous Red Storm supercomputer (

coondoggie writes: "The supercomputer at Sandia National Lab with a vast and hugely successful history is now history itself. The Sandia-designed and Cray-built supercomputer known as Red Storm was decommissioned recently but it left behind a history that saw it perform all manner of high-profile tasks, from helping calculate the successful missile interception of a defective spy satellite to figuring out how old the glass was in King Tut's tomb."

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