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Comment Re:MySQL built for it (Score 1) 100

You act as if 500 more people driving into work alone will drown NYC due to the ice caps melting. Face it, this has a minimal impact to anyone, even those working @ Yahoo. Your post is sensational. Yahoo clearly is failing and needs to right its course.

I telework, I am not managed, I just get my stuff done. I can see why people fall into the trap and aren't productive.

Comment MySQL built for it (Score 1) 100

But Yahoo! wasn't Some 500 out of 11000 employees teleworking is a bit different than 70% of your staff teleworking. MySQL was designed to work remotely, while it sounds like Yahoo! was shoe horned into it. Not saying Yahoo! can't adapt, but it is clear how Yahoo! has been dying that - something is critically wrong in the culture there. I don't see killing teleworking as bad - simply because, well, there is just a lot wrong with the company that needs to be fixed. Time will tell if it was a wise decision...

Comment Re:Documentation Shitty so Developers Turn to Web (Score 1) 418

Doing a lot with SharePoint documentation and you'll discover why MSDN is the absolute worst for actually learning a single thing.

I'd really like to know why, in SharePoint Web Services that the date formats vary in three different ways - other than a "fuck you" to anyone working with them.

Comment Depends (Score 1) 455

Mayer had to do what is right for Yahoo! They have been stagnant for awhile, so - perhaps it is a proper change in management. I guess time will tell.

I work remotely (for the last year and a half) and it definitely has benefits but it also has drawbacks. There *is* something to working in an office with coworkers, but there is something to be said about working remotely (being out of stupid meetings, getting drawn into things, etc).

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