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Comment Re:Comparable? (Score 3, Informative) 235

Don't you liberals like evolution? Why would you actively work against it?

Depends on whether or not you're one of the survivors. Hard to know which side of the fence you will fall on when the shit hits the fan. Evolution changes the biosphere, evolution doesn't care whether your DNA and the rest of your corporal assets happen to get passed along.

There are lots of losers in evolution. You just might be one of them.

Comment Re:Here's a Good Summary (Score 5, Insightful) 235

Here is the issue: At present, with only mild resource constraints on the major economies, those political entities are within a couple of hair's breadths away from going after each others throats. Fast forward to a time when climate changes disrupt most of those economies. Arable lands may change (not necessarily increase or decrease). If that happens, the losing country may get mighty upset. Fisheries may change provoking resource pressures on countries. Millions of people will be under pressure to leave areas that are negatively effected. Millions of other people just might not welcome those refuges with open arms and open wallets.

Couple with the fact that the human population is scheduled to double in the next generation or two and you have the perfect storm for some serious resource competition.

All wars are resource wars.

Comment Re:Could we be so lucky? (Score 1) 235

Should we cut off our nose to spiderface?

Spiderface? The saying is "cut off your nose to spite your face". Your odd interpretation makes no sense at all. Folks, don't use sayings you don't understand.

It's probably Autocorrect. But bog knows why he has that term in his dictionary. Best not to ask.

Comment Re:Why I buy apple airports (Score 1) 264

You realize, of course, that you don't have to update. It just notifies you. I like that little feature of the Apple routers (and OS X and iOS). Given that Apple, like every other vendor on this planet at least, pushes out updates that occasionally break things (Hi Microsoft!), I don't upgrade the moment the patch is available. I wait a week or so unless there is some overwhelming reason like some nasty exploit.

Yes, it's not perfect. No, nobody is perfect. As has been mentioned on this thread and countless others, computer technology is insufficiently mature and it's a big problem giving $randomUser more computing power that existed on the entire planet a couple of decades ago.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Comment Re:Using hands is the problem (Score 1) 237

Sorry, but if you're still focusing on hand-based UIs in cars, you're doin' it wrong.

Voice command is where it's at. Distracted driving is illegal in almost every state.

Car, please add some reverb to the stereo.

I'm sorry Dave, did you say "Reverse?"

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