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Comment COVID is still here (Score 3, Insightful) 159

We're in another giant COVID wave and our employers want to force us into poorly ventilated boxes cheek by jowl with 30 other people, few of whom wear masks.

I work better from the office. I would commute by bike, and that's better for my health. I benefit from the automatic body doubling and having a focused zone for doing work.

But I won't benefit from getting COVID twice a year, so I refuse to go to the office.

Comment Re:They're taking a 20% cut (Score 1) 71

There are a bunch of open source game engines. Most of them are oriented toward 2d games, but there's also stuff like Godot and Urho that are more general. The Quake 3 engine is open source. The Source engine is available for no charge (but the associated tools cost money).

So there's no reason to pay that much.

Comment Re:What did they expect (Score 1) 164

The fact that you can describe promiscuity and union busting as "sleazy" doesn't mean they actually go hand in hand. Purity culture and union busting can co-occur too. There's an industry union for sex workers in the UK.

Every mid-to-large tech company is worried about unionization around now. Grindr isn't unique.

Comment National COVID Day (Score 1) 50

The term "superspreader event" has left my vocabulary, just as fish have no word for water. Drawing hundreds of thousands more people to crowd cinemas? Sure, it's more than usual, but is it that much more? It's still wildly irresponsible, but that's against a background of nearly every organization being just as irresponsible.

Comment Re:Big noise, small crowd (Score 1) 97

Because Reddit's moderator tooling and accessibility are both garbage. Users addressed this with third party applications. So you'll lose out on some disabled contributors, and moderation will get appreciably harder.

Harder moderation means that moderators are even more overworked and likely to leave. A lack of moderation means giving over the community to the bigots and trolls. Bigots and trolls chase everyone else away.

Reddit's content is mostly from real people, and that's thanks to the moderators. Reddit can only sell its content to machine learning farms at a premium price because that content is mostly from real people. So while the admins are "succeeding" at eliminating third party apps, it's going to make their content less valuable.

Meanwhile, most of the LLM makers are going to do unauthorized scraping of the web frontend without paying a wooden nickel.

Comment Underspecified: row-major vs column-major (Score 3, Insightful) 226

The problem tells you that you have a two-dimensional array and to provide a method to manipulate it by column. You don't write the method to fill the 2d array, and it never specifies whether it's stored in row-major or column-major form. I'm going to hope that testers were lenient as long as the response was consistent.

Other than that, there's null safety and equality operators to worry about, which will catch some percentage of people but hopefully not a third.

Comment Re:Consider the benefits of generative AI (Score 2) 35

A personal tutor knows the material. ChatGPT knows nothing. It produces sequences of text that sound like a response to things that sound like its prompt. If you provide a prompt to regurgitate relatively common information, it will usually produce a response that's mostly factual. Usually. If you give it a prompt to regurgitate rare information, it will produce a response that sounds like it's factual but is actually bullshit.

For some subjects, this is okay up to the undergrad level. For others, it's going to be a problem much earlier.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 88

It's capitalism, not socialism, that depends on spending other people's money.

In current international politics, though, socialism means you can't depend on exports much at all. Autarky is extremely difficult to pull off. Traditionally, it also means dodging assassins and squelching coup attempts instigated by foreign powers.

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Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
