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Comment Re:Sorry, but... (Score 4, Informative) 508

if your servers go down, YOU can fix them immediately

Spoken like someone who has never had to fix a server immediately :-)

One of the strong points of cloud computing is the infrastructure to shift load to accommodate failing hardware. To reproduce that capability with your own hardware & infrastructure requires a tremendous amount of planning and capital investment: in power, servers, and network. It's almost never a simple matter of "fix the server immediately".

Comment Re:Clickbait horse stuff (Score 1) 120

They put him in prison

Where is that in the article? I believe that "conditional" prison sentence in this context is like a suspended sentence: he doesn't go to prison unless he commits a new crime or fails to meet the requirements of his sentence (community service, restitution).

Comment Mozilla (Score 3, Interesting) 311

Yeah, the Mr. Robot promotion was a huge mistake, and they've finally admitted that and pledged to do better.

But I think that mistake only garnered so much attention because Mozilla has been so transparent and aggressive in protecting privacy and advancing the state of browser technology. If somebody like Goog or MSFT pulled that crap, nobody would blink an eye.

Comment They better keep SOMETHING in the low end channel (Score 1) 58

I can't believe Apple thinks that price of entry into the iPhone ecosystem should be north of $300. Every convert they make with a budget iPhone is somebody who starts buying apps and becomes a potential upgrade opportunity. Everybody who gives up and buys a $150 Android phone is somebody who starts buying apps and is a lost upgrade opportunity.

Even the iPhone SE is too expensive, frankly.

I'm an Android user because I just won't pay $350 for a phone. But I'll probably stay an Android user because I've got a few dozens of dollars invested in apps. Even though, to be honest, I think iPhone software and apps are fundamentally a little better than their Android equivalents.

Submission + - SPAM: John Young, legendary moonwalker and shuttle commander, dead at 87

schwit1 writes: Legendary astronaut John Young — who twice ventured into space in pioneering two-man Gemini capsules, orbited the moon and then walked on its cratered surface before commanding two space shuttle missions, including the program's maiden flight — has died, ending one of the most storied careers in space history. NASA confirmed the death early Saturday on Twitter.
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Submission + - Researchers create patterned stickers that can confuse AI image recognition (

amxcoder writes: Researchers at Google were able to create little stickers with 'psychedelic' looking patters on them that could trick computer AI image classifying algorithms into mis-classifying images of objects that it would normally be able to recognize. The images on the stickers were created by the researchers using knowledge of features and shapes, patterns, and colors that the image recognition algorithms look for and focus on. The patterned stickers work by tricking the image recognition algorithm into focusing on, and studying the little pattern on the small sticker and ignoring the rest of the image, including the actual object in the picture. Image recognition algorithms work by attempting to weigh importance to parts of an image as higher than other parts so it can determine the subject object in the image. These stickers were created so that the algorithm finds them 'more interesting' than the rest of the image and will focus most of it's attention on analyzing the pattern and giving the rest of the image content a lower importance, thus ignoring it or confusing it.

Comment Custom Android ROM (Score 4, Interesting) 304

Ubuntu Touch/Mobile failed, Microsoft is closing shop on Windows 10 Mobile.

Honestly your best bet would be a phone that you can root, and put a stripped-down custom Android ROM on it. You don't need to connect to any Google Play services to get all the basics. At least that way you get to pick your configuration and keep it minimal.

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