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Comment Re:Well played (Score 1) 359

Get used to it. The arctic displacement that is becoming the new winter normal is a direct result of global warming. Lower differentials between the arctic and tropics means a weaker polar jet. A weaker polar jet means the arctic air it used to keep bottled up in the arctic can be pushed south by warm air masses.

Take a look at a site like climate reanalyzer and check out the temperature anomalies. The cold blob over North America USED TO sit up in the arctic. But look what's up there now. Or look at the rest of the world as a comparison.

It's only going to get worse.

Comment Re:Uh... They are the same? (Score 3, Informative) 359

You know how they figured out the warming and cooling for those ice cores, idiot?

Thermodynamics. A planet doesn't warm and cool without reason. Along with the cyclical Milankovich cycles, anomalous events recorded in the cores correlate strongly with atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.

Which makes sense if had a clue about physics. In physics there's a concept called the mean free path. It's why the ozone layer that makes up a tiny fraction of our atmosphere is capable of preventing our planet from being a sterilized ball of rock. That same concept also explains why trace gases can have noticeable affects on our planet, such as those greenhouse gases that prevent our planet from becoming a snowball.

Chemistry. Physics. Thermodynamics. The atmosphere adheres to them just like everything else. There are no special set of rules that say conservation of energy is never violated EXCEPT when it comes to climate.

BTW, you can download and examine the model source code. They're built on the same physics and chemistry you use every single day without it ever even crossing your tiny little mind.

Educate yourself so the next time you don't sound like a blathering moron.

Comment Re:There are way more "conspiratorial thinkers" at (Score 1, Informative) 368

Hey you know what's funny? That dossier was funded by Republicans first! Ha ha!

So those 4 grand jury indictments so far are just what? Imaginary? The emails? The meetings with known Russian operatives? I guess all that is just imaginary as well?

And let's not forget that Trump refuses to divest himself from his business and won't divulge his tax returns. I wonder what one would find. Maybe Mueller will shed some light after taking most of the Trump cabinet to the cleaners after digging through Deutsche Bank.

But sure, it's all just a big conspiracy.

Obama not being American was a conspiracy. Clinton running a child sex ring under a DC area pizzeria (and then, on Mars) was a conspiracy. People don't get indicted by a grand jury based on conspiracy.

Comment Re:Not likely... (Score 1) 300


If they wanted to colonize, they could easily kill everyone and never come near the planet. If they wanted to study, they'd have no reason to come near the planet. With the mastery of physics that comes along with practical interstellar flight, they could do everything they'd care to do from well beyond our atmosphere.

Comment Re:Pentagon needs to check it's water pipes for le (Score 1) 300

"NASA will, no doubt, get a giant shot in the arm, to upgrade their observatories, to keep their eyes peeled for any 'strange' asteroids and what not."


From this administration? From the pricks and morons leading this congress? Oh man, you are one funny guy. NASA and other public science and educational institutions might as well be temples of satanic worship. And with their fucking idiotic policies and inability to do basic math there wouldn't be the money to fund any such endeavor regardless.

Remember, these are the same bunch of assholes who branded massive foreign loans as "tax-cuts" and stuck the middle and poor classes with bill. If anything, these self-serving sociopaths would be making deals so the aliens had plenty of ways "to serve man" as long as they kept their money and power.

Comment Re: My rich uncle died (Score 0) 311

And what are the qualifications needed to be president? Let's review them:

1. American citizen.
2. Older than 35

Hmmm...well seems like any fucking moron can become president. All he/she has to do is appeal to the most people, one way or another. You don't need to be smart. You don't need to have extensive foreign policy experience, or financial experience, or even need a high school degree.

Winning the presidency is a popularity contest, and just like high school you don't have to be the best or the smartest person to win.

Trump is a proven idiot. I doubt he could pass grade school level tests (in any subject) let alone understand anything that has crossed his desk. He just does things that he thinks will make people go to his never ending stream of rallies.

Deeds prove whether or not you're a useless fucking idiot, not what public office you hold. And Trump's deeds scream USELESS FUCKING IDIOT in brilliant blinking neon lights on a backdrop of gaudy gold.

Comment Re:Overturn? No. (Score 1) 186

No, it's not a partisan fight. It's a fight to keep psycopaths in check.

Let's take, for example, the Zadroga act. Out of all the legislation I can think of, this is about as no-brainer as you can get. It's not ideological. It's just basic human compassion and decency.

Now in case you don't know what this act is, it's about providing for the first responders of 9/11, many who have become sick or died as a result to various toxic materials.The compassionate and dare I say patriotic thing to do is to pass the measure. Now due to republican shenanigans the first go around the act was limited and set to expire (and it did).

So you'd think "Hey, this is republican bread and butter here so they'll renew it". But the psychopaths won't even allow it on the floor. They said if they can find the money for it then they'll be more than happy to bring it to the floor. Kind of a piss poor response, but we are running quite a large debt so that's at least a little bit understandable. Dickish, yes. But understandable.

That was several months ago. And what did these pricks just pass? A huge fucking cash giveaway to the rich and massive amount of debt to go along with it. I bet those first responders are so happy...well actually they're beyond caring because quite a few of them have died waiting for the republican congress to act.

Partisan? That was at least a decade ago. The fight now is trying to preserve some sense of basic human decency.

Comment Re:If these aliens are so advanced (Score 1) 206

An advanced alien civilization capable of interstellar travel wouldn't have ships that crash, or even be detectable by our primitive technology. Your talking about a race that has mastered physics. They wouldn't even need to come within the Earth's atmosphere. They could do everything, including collecting surface samples, from a million miles away.

So the question really is, why would they come down here? And how in $DIETY's name can a civilization that advance make ships that crash and fall apart to the point where we have several buildings full of parts?

Comment Re:That is exactly backwards (Score 1) 591

You moron, what court case do you think is playing out right now? Why were people asking them to delay the decision until the FTC case was resolved?

If the court rules against the FTC (and it appears likely that it may) then there will be NO agency regulating ISPs. None. Not the FCC. Not the FTC. Which is EXACTLY why they wanted to rush this through.

And now it's too late. We'll get Portugal's internet, where everything is broken down like cable packages. Where ISPs can blatantly block, censor, filter and throttle anything they want (including political coverage and support). Remember Citizens United? Election rules don't apply to ISPs, nor do first amendment protections.

Hope you like propoganda and paying out the ass for shit level service, because that's all your going to get. Just wait until the mid-terms roll around.

Comment Re:Fine (Score 1) 203

There is no money in the US Treasury. Why do you think we have such an enormous amount of debt? We're at $20+trillion and the "fiscal conservatives" have just thrown on at least another $1.5 trillion on top of that. Over $65,000 for every man, woman, and child in the US. That's $13,000 more than the median family income in the US.

Until we get a balanced budget the US has no money. We have a credit card that we keep piling enormous amounts of debt on.

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