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Comment Re:Facebook Censorship (Score 1) 218

RoK is woman hating shite.

The funny thing about "RoK" to me is that I think of kings as highly feminized men. They wear (er... wore) dresses, they wield a lot of power over other people, they constantly mingle with other powerful people, and they're very rich. Lots of women just find that irresistible, which is too bad, because if they didn't, maybe something would have been invented during the middle ages other than the bubonic plague.

Comment Re:EVN (Escape Velocity Nova) (Score 1) 270

Still have a copy of it kicking around, too. :)

Yeah, I loaded up my old copy a few months ago and played through it a couple times. I was glad to see there are plug-ins to help the game run on widescreen displays and at higher resolutions than the default 1024x768. It looked great on my 1680x1050 screen.

Comment Re:Gave it up (Score 1) 270

Then I spent $40 on a pledge for this Star Citizen, which I suspect I'll spend a lot of time playing over these next few years.

Just read up on Star Citizen and I've become interested as well. Have you ever played or heard about Escape Velocity Nova? It sounds somewhat similar to Star Citizen, though EV Nova is single-player only.

I found EV Nova to be highly engrossing and fun; it's a free roaming space trader / space combat game with RPG elements. It's shareware, so you can download the full game and play about the first 50% of it for free, with the option to $30 for a license that unlocks the full game, with all the special missions and spaceship outfits and what-not. And you can use the same license for the universal binary mac version (the game was released in 2001, and there's an x86 mac version! bless those devs hearts :P), or the windows version, or both. You can also get free plugins for EV Nova to play the two earlier games in the EV series, again on either mac or pc. Hands-down the best shareware game I ever bought. Oh, there are also a ton of user-made mods and total conversions out there, even though it's always been a bit of a niche game.

I used to go on 12-hour binges with games like Battlefield 2 and Diablo 1/2, but I always found that EV Nova never inspired me to push myself and play more than an hour or two a day. Maybe it's because a lot of the story is described in text terminals and requires some degree of imagination to "come alive", I'm not quite sure. Since it offered me such a good deal of fun for so little addictive potential, I thought I'd share it with you; it's a good game for someone who likes space trader / combat games but also has a life to attend to.

Comment Re:It followed a few of the plot lines, but ... (Score 1) 726

Did you notice the part where (Heinlein) states matter-of-fact that the United States was destroyed because they ended corporal punishment in schools, and that the only way to instill a moral compass in a child is to beat it into him?

The combination of mandatory attendance and no corporal punishment in public schools HAS ruined them. A child can be disruptive all day, getting sent to the principal's office and then bouncing right back into the classroom an hour or two later. That child will know that teachers' hands are tied and that he will face no real consequences for keeping everyone else from staying on task. Put just two or three of these kids in a classroom and that classroom will be in chaos damn near 100% of the time.

We need to either start beating schoolkids again OR make attendance optional. I favor the latter.

Comment Re:Gentoo (Score 0) 627

Yeah, for years now, my boyfriend has been beating me up when he comes home drunk. And it's touch-and-go for a few days after that, but then he gets back to normal for a good while.

I don't know why he can't understand that beating me up isn't acceptable to me.

Comment Re:That's not news (Score 1) 393

If you spread that $30M over 1000 teachers you'd get about a $30k bump per teacher. Imagine recruiting teachers at $70k/year instead of $40k/year.

So with a class size of 31, and a $30k salary bump for the teacher, that works out to spending an increased $967.74 per student per year.

That totals $11,613 over a student's 12-year public school career. Imagine if schools just gave that $11,613 to students as a graduation present: "Congratulations on graduating. Here's eleven grand and change to help you get started with your life." Any group of four graduating friends, rich or poor, would be able to pool their graduation gifts to start a business partnership with $46k in capital and no loans whatsoever .

I'm guessing most people's first reaction to that idea would be, "WHAT? JUST GIVE THE KIDS ALL THAT MONEY? They wouldn't spend it responsibly!"

Well, if the kids don't know to handle a responsibility like money by age 18, maybe there are bigger problems in the school system besides a lack if iPads.

Comment Re:He's no longer under indictment (Score 1) 1737

That CBS story is infotainment. It's low on details and high on emotionality. CBS throws in a reference to the Trayvon Martin case, which kicks the emotional temperature up a notch (there are 962 comments... cha-ching!)

Here's an actual court document from the prosecution arguing that "stand your ground" didn't apply to this woman's case.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 532

Certain cars are using LEDs with low refresh rate PWM (I'd estimate around 50 Hz) on their tail lights. When I'm driving at night, I'm not staring straight ahead. I scan side-to-side every few seconds to maintain situational awareness. If one of these cars is ahead of me, the act of scanning turns my field of vision into a sea of individual sets of lights making it difficult to pick apart separate cars.

OHMYGOD I hate this so much. I have noticed this for a while, and whenever I point it out to other people in my car, they say, "What are you talking about? I don't notice anything strange."

Am I especially photosensitive, or are my friends just imperceptive slobs?

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