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Comment Re:Israel has nuclear weapons. (Score 1) 569

And in fact the Soviets didn't win, the Germans lost. If they didn't trip on their stupid fucking ideology so much we would have all been truly fucked. Instead of enlisting the aid of the tens of thousands of Ukrainians who thought that at last they were free of Stalin and wanted to help, the Germans killed them and razed their fucking land. Not how to win friends and influence enemies. They could have had a huge army of volunteers willing to kick Stalin's ass. But alas, the Ukrainians were just another inferior race needing to be denigrated and destroyed. You'd think Hitler hired retard bozo chicken farmers to run his "elite" army or something. Not that there is anything wrong with farming chickens. Just if they're Nazi chickens.

Comment Those Who Forget History ... (Score 5, Interesting) 569

Oh fuck right off. The Palestinian leaders were acting like arseholes and trying to kill Jews just for being Jewish before the state of Israel even existed. Haj Amin al-Husseini who was the Grand Mufti (religious leader) of the Palestinians (of Jerusalem to be precise) during the 1940s was buddies with notable people like Hitler, Himmler, and anyone who promised to find a gas chamber for every Jew. He actively encouraged the Germans, and worked to dissuade countries from accepting German Jewish refuges forcing them to return to Germany. ALL BEFORE A JEWISH STATE EXISTED, mother fucker. So don't try to tell me that the Jews started anything.

The Jews were the ones who promised no change in personal property or land or status would take place when Israel was formed, that the status quo shouldn't change, meanwhile their leader(s) and other Arab countries told the Palestinians to get out of the way and to go to the refugee camps while they "pushed the Jews into the sea" with their anti Semitic Arab brotherhood. Now they're sore losers and even the other Arab countries around there won't let them into their own countries because they have so many trouble makers.

Don't you know Egypt has a big fucking wall set up between them and Palestine too? And when the Palestinians knocked part of it down, the Egyptian army pushed them back in a repaired it. Notice the Muslim Brotherhood haven't opened up the border with Gaza any more than Israel since they were elected?

So just shut the fuck up until you learn to think on your own instead of running with the crowd in their nouveau cause du jour which they know nothing about, but will surely fuck some innocent people over to make themselves feel like they have a cause.

I don't give a rat's ass what anyone is. But dirt bags who hide in civilian neighbourhoods and continually fire rockets into other civilian neighbourhoods while screaming how they are so just and hard done by deserve what they get. And the people who don't turn them in deserve it too. You ever think that if these shit bags had ever once tried to be civil there wouldn't be any war there. You know there are a lot of Arabs who live in Israel, vote and even sit in parliament. Jews in the Arab countries have to keep their heads down and not 'rise above themselves'. Get a real education on the subject.

Comment Re:Click-whoring post. How could this get approved (Score 4, Insightful) 233

How does this rate "interesting". If it was plagiarism there wouldn't be a link to the actual story. You can't tell someone they are trying pass someone else's work off as their own when they provide the original work. Especially when it is just a couple lines on a news aggregator site to give the readers a clue what the article is about.

Comment Re:Missing option (Score 1) 525

When people say Yugoslav in this context they mean Serb. And I have no problem with this when the country on the receiving end is responsible for electing and supporting a government that creates death camps and goes about ethnic cleansing. War is not clean, it is not exact, there are no nice little lines to show where the bullets and bombs are supposed to fall. So maybe if you are so concerned, maybe you should ask if the Serb nationalists are so upset about this, why did they start ethnically cleansing the Bosnians and Kosovars in massacres (yeah two way street, which list is longer?) and death camps not seen since Nazi Germany? Srebrenica was a war crime massacre. Why did they start the Bosnian and Kosovan wars to begin with? Why are there Serb generals and politicians in jail for war crimes now if they weren't responsible (the prosecutors were not American by the way)? It always amazes me when people start accusing the people who are taking the criminals to task of being criminals. And once again, no, there are not any nice arrows and directions to show where the bullets and bombs are supposed to go. So before you go and start a war like the Yugoslav Serbs did, maybe they should think of the consequences to their own people first. And when they get their asses handed to them, not to bitch and complain because ultimately they are the ones to blame.

Comment Re:Why mention Schoenberg? (Score 1) 183

He's full of himself. People will like what people will like. If they are doing something for pleasure and you play them something they don't like, they won't listen to it. It's like telling someone that if they eat shit long enough they'll like it, when there is steak potatoes and peas on the plate beside that. They'll tell you to fuck off and eat the steak potatoes and peas.

By now a lot of us have heard the Pachabelbel's Canon Rant in one form or another (this last one a complete rip of the first in my opinion). There is a reason those four chords work. They sound good to many people. I won't try to figure out why. There is no point. People just think that this progression works. So songs like this often become hits. Songs full of dissonance don't because people don't like it because they sound dissonant. Yeah the word means 'sounds shit'. Same thing with second intervals versus thirds versus ... If it sounds shit to people they just won't listen to it. Those that do aren't some sort of super cool esoteric music elite. They're not normal (since the majority defines normal). And so if people like what they hear they will listen to it more and repeatedly. And apparently it has worked this way for centuries and probably millennia. So I think if people were going to favour dissonant music they would have already. And by definition is wouldn't be considered dissonant.


Submission + - Whitehouse Petition to sell Texas to pay off US Debt. (

FatLittleMonkey writes: Amidst the flood of petitions on behalf of States demanding to be allowed to secede from the US, inevitably came the trolls suggesting that the US at least make some money out of the deal. Sell Texas to Mexico and use the money to pay down the US debt. Still in single digits at time of writing, but well worth supporting for the lulz.

Comment Re:Tools reclassified again? (Score 5, Funny) 75

So do elephants. There is a well documented incident where a female elephant was observed using an epileptic Maasai midget as a vibrator. This is the real reason for their animosity towards elephants. Not competition for land which is the common excuse cited in animal documentary films. This is usually because of a puritan streak in America that causes Americans to shy away from elephant sexuality. I saw this on animal planet. Honest.

Comment Re:Syrian Rebels ARE the WRONG HANDS! (Score 1) 279

Turkey's armed forces are so overwhelmingly superior to Syria's, that if they really wanted to do that, they would have just walked in and done it years ago. Just because they are in the region doesn't mean they in the same lower league as the rest of the middle east. In terms of advancement in the world they are closer to or the same as Eastern Europe which they are also a part of (across the Bosporus) than with most banana republic Arab countries. And they aren't Arab either, so I seriously doubt that they are all that interested in owning trouble making areas.. And the proof is in the fact that they have always had a very strong and disciplined military. I think you need to stop reading so many conspiracy theory web sites.

Comment Re:To bad that non college education does not resp (Score 1) 102

just a drone who knows how to connect the dots

That's what a degree says to me. Ever heard the expression, you don't need to understand the material, just know the stuff the professor wants you to get right on the tests. Or your assignment only has to say the things the professor wants to see. That's how students get good marks. Not from understanding, just mimicking back to the professor what he/she wants to see and hear.

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