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Comment Re:Yet another LITTLE KING (Score 1) 139

Aern't you guys paying attention? Our country is benig overrun buy these UNELECTED leaders!!

That's not in the CONSTITUION! Its from RUSSIA! happy party members get to b leadrs!!

Hale to the thief comerad number 1. we need to recall Nobama he's ruining the contriy with socialsm and destroying our DEMOCRACY with comunism! did u vote for the czars/KINGS? I sure didnt

Why do yuo think were in a recessoin and headed towwards a global crash??

Oh you. It's a shame that are children believe this.

Comment Re:Not a lazy man at least (Score 4, Interesting) 328

Project Chanology has nothing to do with the orchestration of DDoS attacks and harassment attempts with the Church of Scientology.

The members of the small group that decided to perform these attacks did this on their own which caused losts of infighting between Anonymous since performing anything illegal goes against Project Chanology's cause.

Comment Re:Bullet Meets Foot..... (Score 1) 313

I remember getting into an argument with someone who is in the Gaming Industry about the issues for developing for PCs. He argued why should developers try to make games for the PC when they can just make it for the console and don't have to worry about the hardware being inconsistent, piracy issues, and the customer has to keep up with the latest games thus costing him $2,000 USD (he cited Crysis).

I countered his argument stating that Crysis is not the benchmark of PC gaming it is actually not the best game package to be released that year (Orange box was) and there will be more people continuing to play Orange box on all kinds of hardware. If developers/industry have this kind of mindset when it comes to the complete life cycle of their games I get the impression they just want their games to sell great for one month while developing a terrible reputation for making "bad games".

The fact that the customers' love for a company not being factored into the bottom line is mind boggling. Not caring about your customers worked all the time in the 90s. However, with all the social networks you can't even post a slightly revealing picture(Meghan McCain), a private comment accidentally posted public(Facebook fiance), removing LAN play from Starcraft2(Blizzard/Activision) without it not being talked about all over the world.

If your customers HATE YOU, who will buy from you?

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