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Comment Re:Sorry (Score 1) 161

I'm finding trouble having sympathy for this guy.

He manipulated URLs to access areas that were not publicly visible. The information that he gleaned by manipulating these URLs was information that any reasonable person would deduce as information AT&T did not intent to make public.

So, you would rather live in a world where if you see a huge hole in the side of your bank's vault, leading out into an alley, you'll be thrown in jail if you tell a sole about it? Tell me, did your education include children's books such as The Emperor's New Clothes, or are you a complete fucking moron? I'd much rather be told I'm naked and have no security, and force the fuckers to fix the issue, than to wait till I'm actually exploited to find out.

Were I him, I wouldn't want sympathy from fools like you. Go back to your privatized yet tax funded statist security theater regime and watch your reality TV and eat your fried food, so you can be better farmed by your corporate overloads, even as your health fails from a rotten mind and body.

TL;DR: Fuck you.

Comment Re:Stretching the laws for corporations (Score 1) 161

As far as I'm concerned, anyone calling their group Goatse Security needs to be punished anyway. I'm not interested in trying to explain to my 6yo what the fuck that means.

Disgusting. And you have no fucking problem with explaining why the &T in AT&T exists?

Fascist scum such as you are the ones who should be punished. Give your kid up for adoption before you destroy them with retarding ideas such as "censorship of nature isn't evil."
The children of the average uneducated natives world wide stand more of a chance at surviving to adulthood with their brains in tact, and they see "violence", "nudity" and even "intestines" just from living day to day and cooking food -- A skill you probably can't handle, or if so, still can't perform unless your meat's been butchered and packaged.

Does your six year old know what a penis and vagina are, and are for? The six year olds in fucking 3rd world countries do, you monster.

Comment Re:Buffered storage of everything 3 days old (Score 1) 491

I've seen that movie. It was really a wormhole!

And in the wormhole lived a groundhog. And if it was cloudy when he emerged...

Then the largest atom smashing experiment in the world will be used to bring about a dystopian future by using a global spy network to discover the phone activated microwave invented by Rintaro Okabe, causing his poor childhood friend to die over and over thousands of times before the self proclaimed Mad Scientist meets the real John Titor and re-un-gets an old 80's PC and almost correctly sets his Nixie-tube clock using the instructional belly-button logic from Thank the gods, the frakkin' site exists! Whew.

If not for that wonderful worm-filled groundhog -- A basement dweller would have ventured from lair weeks earlier and become a depraved scriptwriter causing that damn disastrous 80's PC to star as an extra in a Weirdly Scientific show instead of it being safely destroyed. Thankfully it won't wind up summoning Sentient Space Ducks, battling Bonsai Buckaroos, and eventually resulting in a so-called Doctor helping crash a sock-hop reachable only from 1985 at 88 mph using 1.21 Jiggawats -- I mean really, "Jiggawats"? Is that a racial slur metric?! I wouldn't want to live in such a world.

Wait, unless some pessimistic news anchor went all sappy, so all that hell has happened... then God is now loose as a particle among us, while the NSA builds the spy network anyway, and the shock doctrine dystopia will be here with or without the miniature Kerr black holes. In which case, the Dalek will be here shortly to retrieve their long lost PC from its display and destroy this planet just for grins... So our only hope then would be for one of the ACTUAL Doctors to step out of a blue police box -- Preferably before faux Klingons arrive and scare everyone but the insatiable sushi-loving Japanese into ending whaling.... That doesn't turn out well for anyone except the dolphins.

Unless the dolphins aren't on speaking terms with men, which means they aren't real dolphins and they've tasked the pan-dimensional mice to create a gigantic quantum computer where this has all happened before, and our reality exists in a simulated multiversity where everything is an endless super position of itself unless you look at it closely (to save CPU), and Schroedinger's Cats rule the world via traffic jamming cute subliminal messages down every information superhighway. Hmm, well if that were the case, then screw it all, because being a human copper-top battery watching all that strife as TV re-runs sure as hell beats gruel, and tribal techno dance parties.

I seem to remember there being a simple test for this sort of thing involving a simple self referential quantum entangled ironic pairing... If I could just remember how it goes. Has something to do with recursive Unix directory structures, I believe. Just wait, it'll come to me... Ah yes.


CRAP! I'm on the wrong side of the irony, again. You wouldn't happen to know of any descriptions of ring or disk shaped worlds about? If not, it might not be to late to try again.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 658

What about paying high ranking members of companies in stock options to avoid taxes?

Stock options do not avoid taxes. When you exercise them you pay income tax on their value (sell price minus strike price). It's exactly the same as if the company paid a cash bonus.

Of course, huge stock option grants do give perverse incentives to transient CEOs, but that's a whole other story.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 5, Insightful) 658

That's so great, you get your data from political slogans.

Where do you get yours? From the people who don't want to get their dainty hands dirty but claim the credit for the accomplishments of those who do, and then show contempt for them?

Come on, even Marx admitted that some poor people were a burden on society.

The grandparent talked about "unproductive majority" and "productive minority", and then went on to imply that the employees - the people who actually produce every single thing produced in this or any other country - are examples of the former. That is a lie, regardless of what Marx or anyone may or may not have "admitted".

Also, society can take burdens. It can support the needy poor, and it could easily support the idle rich. What it can't take is wolves who prey on others, and then try to blame their victims for the results. That's nothing more than the divine right of the kings revisited, and will end the same way as the last time.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 5, Interesting) 658

Which is precisely why the government officials that are required to swear into the office are required to uphold and protect the CONSTITUTION.


Not the government, not the white house, not the justice system but the LAW. The US Founders knew that relying on people making right choices is a terrible idea, democracy doesn't work at all, it quickly dissents into authoritarian nightmare.

Yeah, pretty much agree with this part, I mean, they wrote books on this very subject. Hell, they even wrote about the tyranny of a two party system. Kind of hard not to agree, IMO.

However, you lost me at the next part, when you started employing leaps of unfounded nonsensical logic.

[...] democracy doesn't work at all, it quickly dissents into authoritarian nightmare. because it promises too everything to everybody for nothing (actually it promises to subsidize the unproductive majority by stealing from the productive minority). Eventually you destroy what you tax and this includes all types of taxes.

So, you're saying that the MAJORITY is unproductive, and they're STEALING from the PRODUCTIVE MINORITY? What the fuck are you talking about fool? Tell me, how are those "minority" so fucking productive? Signing the articles of incorporation and moving 1's and 0's between two points isn't fucking productive you moron. Who is being productive here are the workers that allow the business to make money. Nowhere is this more evident than in small businesses. I know, I've owned small businesses, starting with next to ZERO dollars, doing all the work myself.

When I was the Majority of my labor, I was most productive. When I hired on some help, I managed contracts and filed taxes, did office work for half the time. I relied on my laborers to do the productive work. That desk work is necessary red-tape, but it's far from fucking productive. Wheeling and dealing clients to get more jobs is necessary, but you're a fucking idiot if you think it's more productive that the people doing the labor to fill those contracts.

From just the tax rates on income and property, to various rules, laws and regulations that government imposes upon business to buy votes (be it minimum wage, various laws that give employees special powers to sue employers for any perceived 'wrongdoing', any kind of entitlement to the employers and customers that end up being obligations upon the employers and producers).

This eventually ends up destroying the productive class of people and destroys incentives for people even trying to become productive, here is a good satirical overview of the problem.

Government handouts aren't the fucking problem. They're a small slice of the fuck-up pie. What about the trillions of dollars in war spending? What about the government sanctioned monopolies in telecom sectors? What about the rich businesses getting away with a "Double Irish" -- A legal form of tax evasion? What about paying high ranking members of companies in stock options to avoid taxes? That's all legal, but it's plain an simple bullshit, and shouldn't be legal by any rational stretch of the word.

At the end of the day the rich minority are to blame for the majority of the problems, not the gheto hoochie slummers. I've lived in a ghetto. This opinion piece you linked to is more sensationalist Kool-Aid made to appease the rich minority into thinking their continued exploitation of the majority is warranted. The majority of folks in the dregs of society are just trying to make ends meat. My next door neighbor operated a fork-lift in a 110 degree warehouse 10 hours a day, and could only afford the same shitty housing project apartment that such welfare mommas do. His fiancé's wall-mart job payed shit, they purposefully cut hours to cause folks to quit so they could hire more cheap part-time work without paying employee benefits. His fiancé got pregnant, they wanted a kid, can you blame them? His and her job didn't earn enough for basic comfortable living necessities - The unproductive fucks who owned the apartment complex made out like bandits on his hard earned dollar by doing nothing more than owning a slum property -- We fixed shit ourselves because they took so long to get anything done, despite being payed hundreds of dollars a month -- We payed our own electricity and water. So, to get out of the ghetto he started selling pot. He made more money selling weed in the lazy afternoon than he made all day slaving away at work. He didn't sell to kids, he was no monster, just making ends-meat and bring a bit of relaxation and joy to the harsh world through cheap recreational drugs... He eventually stopped selling when he saved enough for a down payment on a small house not far away, still in the slums, and they both worked two jobs to raise their kid and pay the mortgage.

At the same time I was an electrician running entire jobsites for my rich boss, but also barely able to afford my rent in the slum. It's mostly folks trying and failing to make an honest living at the bottom of society, being productive as fuck in labor, while the minority rich keep getting richer and being unproductive. I managed to scrimp and save up enough living off of grilled cheese and ramen noodles to start my own business and escape that hell.

Take your perverse classist shit and shove it where the work don't shine. My laborers making barely above minimum wage payed 1/3 of their paycheck in taxes, while the profit even a small business owner can reap is vastly disproportionate to the effort they put in. My laborers would have to choose paycheck to paycheck if they could afford insurance, and the majority could not afford it. The longer the business runs, the less work I had to do, but the more money I'm capable of making off all those underlings' labor. Sure, they didn't start the damn company, but as a business owner, I'm not being fucking productive -- Not nearly as productive as the many laborers I'm capitalizing on. Fortunately, I don't think like dumb folks like you do. Why should I get a tax break and pay a mere fraction of a percent of what my employees pay in taxes?! I say lower the tax at the bottom, and INCREASE the taxes of the folks with the money at the top you say are being "productive" by not doing shit but shuffling papers and numbers around and making fortunes.

You see, this is where your world view is so fucking slanted it's ridiculous. You're blinded by your own place in society. I've actually experienced the full social standing gamut. Let me tell you how it is: Here I was, nice new car, business finally turning a steady profit, starting to be able to afford many luxuries I couldn't dream of working under someone else, and I give my employees little raises and bonuses for good work, but I saw how much more profit I pulled in by capitalizing on the real productive majority of workers at the bottom. I had to make a choice. I could make mad bank for myself, or increase the laborer's wages above what I was bringing in myself in those early days of hard physical labor. It was easy to make, because I'm a sensible human being, not an amoral monster. I realized that as time went on I owed less and less of my success to my own effort, and more to the skilled workers under me. I realized that minimum wage is a fucking joke! I know because I've lived on that, or even less! You can't raise a family on minimum wage. Paying just above minimum wage is every bit as ridiculous. I had to suffer that nonsense, but I'd be damned if my workers would have to do the same while I mad out like a bandit being a desk-jockey Capitalist.

Eventually the mob eats and chases away the part of the society that actually is productive and pays for all of this conspicuous consumption by the mob and then the society is doomed to failure because of the failing economy. So the principles are the same for anything else that concerns rule of law - equal justice under the law, privacy from government intrusion, transparency of government in the first place. ALL democracies are destined to failure, that is not an option, it's an inevitable consequence of the rule of mob.

No you fool! It's not Democracies, but All Unchecked Power that is doomed to fail! Be it Communism or Capitalism that's run amok, funneling power and money to the top of society -- That framework is doomed to fail. Most businesses are happy to pay their customers as little as fucking possible -- Hell, the stock market demands growth, a steady valuation is considered bad stock, only increase is good. You can't reach an optimal size and churn out a steady profit, no you've got to grow like a cancer and overextend yourself until death, causing more churn in the labor pool so workers can compete over jobs for less wages... As a publicly traded company you're practically forced to treat the actual productive lower status members of society who do all the damn labor as if they're trash. As a corporation removed from all morals there's pressure and incentive to take as much money and production from the bottom of the chain, and funnel it upwards to ever staggering heights of the truly unproductive "owners". This is untenable! Fortunately, I stayed private, so as not to be beholden to the amoral demands of money hungry leaches, who are EVEN LESS PRODUCTIVE, because they literally shuffle 1's and 0's to make all their returns on "investment" -- What kind of crack are you smoking that lets you think that having enough wealth to shuffle bits and accumulate wealth at next to no tax burden is fucking productive, and that it's the laborers who afford the rich capitalists this luxury which are being unproductive?! YOU'RE DRINKING YOUR OWN KOOL AID. Where does the wealth come from when you shuffle bits in the stock market? Inflation and Speculation -- Ultimately the laboring folks at the bottom of the market pay that price.

How can you stand to look at the huge mega-rich corporations getting huge bail-outs and golden parachutes, and paying so fucking little in taxes due to the magic of tax laws bought and paid-for by the same? How can you look at the effects of deregulation, in massive risks and outright lies to lenders and borrowers that the banking industry did to cause the mortgage crisis, and say it was the fucking "mob" that caused the economy to fail? How can you see that shit, and think it's the majority of at the bottom that are destroying the economy?

The economy thrives when everyone spends. When you siphon up so much wealth from the bottom, then middle classes, into the pocket books of the minority of capitalists at the top of the economy such that the MAJORITY of people actually being productive at the bottom can no longer spend. THAT'S what causes an economy to fail. You're right off your rocker if you think that unchecked government spending isn't to blame for the NSA's huge dystopian spying infrastructure. This is an example of so much power and wealth at the top that they are no longer accountable to the majority at the bottom. FOOL! It's the opposite of what you're railing about.

That's why to keep working the system is supposed to set those types of feelings and desires aside and concentrate on constantly and vigilantly protecting the rule of law, equality before law, equality of opportunity by providing equal application of law, prevention of discrimination by the mob, by the government. Once those concepts are breached, the society is on the path to self destruction and unfortunately I have never found an example in history where the society actually stopped short of destroying itself this way once it became democratic, AFAIC history shows that the destruction is imminent.

Equality under law would be the same tax rate at the top of society as at the bottom, eh? Yeah, then we could reduce the tax on the MAJORITY at the bottom who are doing the MAJORITY of the work. As a business owner I made the choice to be half as rich as I could be, to take in half as much in profit. I made the only sane moral choice and decided to give my workers better working conditions, higher pay, health care. I enriched their lives. Guess what? The business's productivity increased! Turns out if you're willing to pay for better work, the workers will do better work! The majority of workers at the bottom of the totem poll didn't feel like they were working a shit job for low pay. They got paid more and started giving a damn about the quality of their work -- Contrast this with just demanding quality and efficiency and granting them no real incentive, like wall-mart or most any other publicly traded company.

In the end my "sacrifice" of profit to improve my worker's lives had little to no effect on my life. Turns out, as you increase wealth there's a point where you spend less of it as a percentage to live ever more comfortable lives. "Trickle Down Economics" is a fucking farce. I was just as comfortable in my life with less profit, but the workers gained immensely more benefit to their lives in relation. I was a sane rational business owner, and my company was productive as a whole. That elitism shite you're spouting is retarding, in every sense of the word -- Can you even think for yourself? Can you form an idea based on actual fucking experience and observation? I fucking dare you to. I saw that my business was like a second family -- We were a single unit. We all benefit together, or die together. I was not an insane amoral capitalist beholden only to profit for the sake of profit like those publicly traded companies on the stock market. I had incentive to make the business survive, even in more troubling times -- I couldn't just shuffle numbers and ditch the company to be part of another more successful business at a whim.

It was those greedy slavering unproductive rich bastards in the mortgage and finance industry that destroyed the housing industry, and my construction business by proxy. Those ones you called "productive" were the least productive of all. With their bought and paid for politicians they won deregulation and then destroyed the stability of lives by approving high risk loans for the short term chance to make a fast buck -- Screw the long term repercussions, there won't be any if you're wearing a golden parachute. It was the productive majority suffering at the hands of the rich unproductive minority that caused the economic collapse, you fucking IDIOT. The exact opposite of the drivel you've spouted.

For the truth on how we all got into the bigger and bigger mess we're in right now, educate yourself with this video.

P.S. A two party system is NOT a democracy.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 658

It's like having the a strong password and then writing it on a post-it note that you stick to your monitor.

Which is perfectly reasonable, if it's a password for some remote service and you trust the people who have physical access to the computer. It sure beats both having a weak password so you can remember it, or writing it on a file in the computer where it can be stolen by an intruder.

Never underestimate security through a locked door and a dog.

Comment Re:He is rocking the boat, don't rock the boat (Score 1) 658

The average American KNOWS the average US veteran is a war criminal.

"KNOWS" as in "has evidence", or as in "some pseudonymous dude said so on an Internet forum without providing evidence, so it must be true"?

Because a lot of people seem to KNOW that Obama is actually a commie muslim with a fake birth certificate, or that jews did 9/11, or that Hitler is still alive in South America, or...

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 4, Insightful) 658

actually it promises to subsidize the unproductive majority by stealing from the productive minority

I'm pretty sure most people work for a living, and it's a small minority - about 1%, in fact - that steals from said productive people to support their parasitic lifestyle. And that would be a minor annoyance by itself, except that's not enough for them - no, they play at being "businessmen" by recklessly endangering the livelihood of the productive majority for their economic poker games, and then start throwing insults at the very same people who's labour supports them.

From just the tax rates on income and property, to various rules, laws and regulations that government imposes upon business to buy votes (be it minimum wage, various laws that give employees special powers to sue employers for any perceived 'wrongdoing', any kind of entitlement to the employers and customers that end up being obligations upon the employers and producers).

Who are these mystical "producers", since they are apparently not the employees in your mind? And why are you upset that the working class and the owning class define their relationship through laws, given your own insistence on the importance of the rule of it? Does it simply burn you that some laws actually side with the serfs rather than the parasites on top?

ALL democracies are destined to failure, that is not an option, it's an inevitable consequence of the rule of mob.

All systems are destined to failure due to nothing lasting forever, it's the inevitable consequence of time passing in a reality where chaos theory holds. Your assertion is dramatic but meaningless.

That's why to keep working the system is supposed to set those types of feelings and desires aside and concentrate on constantly and vigilantly protecting the rule of law, equality before law, equality of opportunity by providing equal application of law, prevention of discrimination by the mob, by the government.

So how does that equality before the law work when both parties are responsible for paying for their lawyers and the other has thousands of times as much available cash? How does equality of opportunity work when taking any opportunity likely has investment and opportunity costs and one party can pay them and the other can't?

Comment Re:Cabin Baggage? (Score 1) 506

She could keep it in a little bag though. No need to lug a suitcase around. And after many crashes she won't have any opportunity to grab her bags so she is going to be reliant on medical staff on the ground anyway. Since she can always get her insulin from a hospital in SF, is her bag really more important than the child burning to death behind her?

In the absence of burning children, the idiot who throws her bag into the fire without knowing whether it contains commonly found, easy to obtain insulin or something rare and possibly irreplaceable on short notice ought to be thrown into the fire before he actually kills someone with his rage instead of causing a minor inconvenience for this guy's wife. This guy's wife is probably being slightly unwise in an emergency. The guy who throws her bag in the fire is a dangerous psychopath, or at least has both extremely serious anger-management issues and poor judgement -- not a good combination.

Comment Re:Why always mention "terrorism?" (Score 1) 506

As an ordinary citizen, the question of terrorism is not anywhere near the top of my list of questions regarding "how" or "why" an accident may have occurred...

The words following the comma in the above sentence demonstrate that the words before the comma are false.

Or, perhaps, maybe the problem is with me? Should I learn to be more afraid?

Oh, no, there's no problem with you. But that, in an of itself, would make you far from ordinary... and is probably untrue. What I should have more accurately said was, "the problem [referring specifically to this one] isn't with you". Doubtless you're as screwed up as the rest of us, just in ways that aren't relevant to the topic at hand.

Comment Re:Cabin Baggage? (Score 1) 506

If I ever have to do an emergency evacuation and the guy in front of me has his cabin baggage with him (like we see in some of those pictures) I'm gonna throw it into the fire.

I do hope the widow/children/survivors of the guy whose life-saving medicine you threw in the fire manage to get a substantial reward from the court. I'd hope for at least a criminal manslaughter charge, too, but that might be more difficult to get. With any luck, you'll die before this situation comes up and no one will have to be harmed by how obviously huge an asshole you are...

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