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Comment Re:Don't honk the horn (Score 1) 756

> I find that drivers in Germany do an exemplary job of this, as well as abiding rules of the road and other drivers.

As a cyclist and occasional driver in Darmstadt, Germany my experience of drivers is somewhat different. Most drive above the posted limit, and on most of my commutes I see at least one red light jumper, many on cell phones, and in one narrow street the occassional car driving at normal speed with 2 wheels on the pavement :-( And I regularly have to slow down/stop for cars/lorries abusing my right-of-way on a cyclepath (even the ones painted in bright red !). And don't get me started on pavement and no-stop zone parking :-(

On the other hand they are better than the drivers I experience in Karachi who driver like crazy, and sit on their horms half the time !

Comment No one should be surprised ! (Score 1) 292

Come on: did you really think that the complete dismantle / clean up / store or fix the very long term waste plan/costing was realistic. No-one knew when the plants were built, and no-one knows now. It was assumed that future generations would pickup the tab and/or find a technical fix. Any retirement accounts were just for show.

Comment 30 hour week (Score 1) 969

Some years back I chose to reduce from 40 hours a week to 30. Best move I ever made, even though I got a pro-rata salary reduction. I choose to cycle instead of own a car, skip alpine skiing holidays and useless tech. tools, but gained overall quality of life. And I saw more of my kids growing up. And no union required !
And I am confident my employer got the *best* 30 hours of my working-week, not the end-of-day/end-of-week hanging around in the coffee room !!

Comment Incorrect title (Score 2) 135

I know that Slashdot has just copied the article title, but it seems incorrect:

- The article only seems to discuss security: this is only one class of bug.
- Surely a bug is a mismatch between the requirements and the implementation. If certain security criteria are not required, then it is not a bug if they are not met !

I suggest the title should be more like "Study Confirms The Government Produces The Least Secure Software".

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