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Comment Covid? (Score 1) 101

But would these MEMS, when inhaled, produce flu-like symptoms that would be mild in the majority of the population but could produce real problems for the very old of those with compromised immune systems? Asking for a friend...

Comment Re:more corporate fakery (Score 1) 315

I sure wish that corporations would get back to being places of employment for the agreed 40 hours a week (only) and allow us drones to go home and drink, support sport, worship, have fun, party, support charity, participate in politics and eat food and snacks OF OUR OWN CHOOSING - or not, if we so choose. Instead of forcing their makebelief on us and we pretending to be teambuilt by it. Wishful thinking, I know...


Comment Re: Religious impulse (Score 1) 315

I prefer Robert Heinlein's take on the subject: History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.

One should be weary of attempts to dismiss massively complicated subjects with a few sentences.

Comment Re:Sounds amazing (Score 1) 103

This sounds like an amazing movie. And it is by Christopher Nolan (Interstellar), so you know it is going to be good. However, COVID is real, and you risk dying to enter a movie theater. I recommend you wait until the vaccine is out. Stay inside, wash your hands, wear a mask, and SOCIALLY DISTANCE (the most important part).

Why isn't this modded as "Funny"?

Comment Re:Trumpistan (Score 1) 352

People will die because Trump wants to look good. Trump has equated more testing with more cases and more cases make Trump look bad. So testing has to go down.

More testing should lead to getting more people isolated which long term leads to less cases.

Welcome to Trumpistan where the idiot in chief makes irrational decisions that lead to death and suffering.

More testing does equal more cases. That much is obvious to anyone that knows how to divide two numbers and is not absolutely blinded by their desire to use everything for political points.

This is Slashdot, I thought a basic understanding of math and percentages would be a given here...

Comment Old news... (Score 1) 129

Ice has been melting since the end of the last ice age. Technically, we're still in an ice age since there is ice at the polar caps...

Last year's Greenland melt added 0.06 inches (1.5 millimeters) to global sea level rise.

This is some bullshit number they're models spat out - how do you precisely measure a 0.06 inch increase in ocean levels around the globe? What is the margin of error on this? Not all that ice went into the ocean, perhaps we're also seeing more evaporation, more winter snowfall, more rain and a million other things. Again, even if it was an 0.06 inch increase, this is nothing now and nothing in a century... just ask the Dutch.

Comment Re:What a bunch of Balony (Score 1) 249

Herd immunity via infection with the pathogen is a murderous strategy. Delay the spread as much as possible until a vaccine or cure is developed and proven, that's the strategy that saves the most lives. Herd immunity should be created by the vaccine. Unless you're a serial killer who wants 1% of the population to die? Going about business as normal when there's a pathogen spreading in the hopes of creating herd immunity causes needless deaths .. isn't that fucking obvious?

We don't have an effective vaccine for the flu nor do we have herd immunity for it and loose up to 650,000 people every fucking year to it. Yet we still go on living our lives normally without destroying our future and scaring our children (which are much more likely to die from flu than Covid).

Lockdowns cost more lives than what they save. In BC we've already lost more people to increased opioid use than to the entire Covid pandemic. We've lost people to cancelled heart surgeries, we'll loose people to missed cancer screening, we'll loose people to suicide because they lost their jobs over Covid. As a result of Covid, Canada has accumulated the highest national debt in history, higher than WW1, WW2 and the Great Depression combined! That will cost tens of thousands of lives in the next decade.

Stay in your basement.

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