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Comment Why now? (Score 1) 223

I support the idea of having standard cables and charges for as many devices as possible, but I don't like it being mandated by law. Sony has been trying for decades to push their proprietary standards for all sorts of things but, in the end, it just ended up hurting their adoption and sales. Why is it different now?

Comment Re:You're wrong... (Score 1) 150

The thing is, claiming that "its bad to be white" is the intended message tells me more about you than what is wrong with the film.

Are they upset that we still depict Jesus as white when he was in fact Arab?

Jesus was Arab? Lol. That tells me more about you and your whole argument, which you completely undermine with that statement. Regardless of the race of the actor, Jesus is always depicted as a Jew, because that is what he was.

Comment Re:You're wrong... (Score 1) 150


Johnny Depp playing a Native American, fine.

Ra's al Ghul race swapped to be white, no problem.

Tilda Swinton playing a Caucasian Ancient one, okay.

Elizabeth Olsen as the formerly Romani Scarlet Witch, that worked.

Black actress playing Ariel the mermaid, white people are being "pushed out"!

Well, no. Casting a bunch of Brits, with obvious accents, as the God of Egypt or as Russians, in Enemy at the Gates, was equally cringe.

Comment Re:Way cool - if it really works (Score 1) 74

I've owned three Thinkpads, run Linux on all. Twice it meant wiping the original OS (DOS, Win, OS/2, whatever) but the last one came with Linux preinstalled. Great! Except it was a modified distro with kernel hacks and workarounds that created their own issues, and the vendor never provided updates to fix them. I ended up wiping and installing yet another distro. The fact that Linux was pre-installed was, in the end, of little, if any, benefit at all.

So the real question is not whether Linux is pre-installed today, but rather whether the vendor will continue to support (ii.e. provide updates) for the machine for, say, 4 or 5 years from now.

Forget Linux, I want to hear about the laptop with OS/2 installed on it!

I think I might still have that OS/2 Warp box somewhere...

Comment Re:Bullshitology! (Score 1) 223

Emitting water vapour into the atmosphere is not a big problem, where as CO2 emitted up there is. It's worse than emissions on the ground. While it's not perfect shifting those emissions to somewhere they can potentially be contained, or even mostly eliminated if we use renewable energy to produce the hydrogen, is worthwhile.

Eh, water vapour contributes more to the greenhouse effect than CO2 (not that I care either way):

Comment Re:Global cooling debunked (Score 1) 349

The story that in the 1970s scientists were worried about global cooling has been well debunked

It was literally on the cover on magazines:

But you might be right that real scientists were not saying this. Just like today, real scientists are not saying that AGW is an issue. It's just that they get labelled as deniers by the disaster-porn media and powerful interests looking to rob the tax payer for pie-in-the-sky green projects.

Comment Re:Karl Marx predicted this (Score 0) 191

Maybe ask ourselves where that fear came from and why...

The Soviet Union's Gulags, the Holodomor, China's Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, Cambodia's Killing Fields, North Korea's famine... there's about 100 million individual reasons why people are sceptical of Karl Marx and his half-baked ideas...

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