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Comment Re: Gorilla glass (Score 1) 195

Some older aircraft feature through-canopy ejection systems. See the part about non-standard egress systems.

Also note that many aircraft canopies have multiple parts (e.g., EA-6B), where the windscreen can be thicker than the overhead portion of the canopy. The birds won't hit from above where the ejection seat pierces the canopy.

The EA-6B has one of those through-the-canopy ejection systems. Note in the photos the presence of a structural aluminum beam along the centerline of the canopy. Aircrew are well advised to keep their body parts clear of that should they need to eject.

Comment Re:In Soviet Russia.. (Score 1) 369

It's convenient that your sig applies so neatly to your argument. ("For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong." -- H.L. Mencken (1880-1956))

In this case, the problem of the federal government is the 'complex problem', and the inevitability of a facsist police state is the simple solution. We know how to prepare for tyranny, so let's go ahead and do that. Dealing with the status quo is hard, so we should wait until it gets worse.

Comment Location-based settings (Score 3, Insightful) 70

I can see where it may be helpful to crowd-source settings at certain locations. Maybe the noise profile at a pub responds best to a certain setup for most people, but you don't want to twiddle with your hearing aid until you figure it out. A statistical analysis of others' settings, along with some rating of satisfaction with them, could help adjust a hearing aid more quickly.

I'm sure Apple could come up with an easy interface on the iPhone to quickly adjust, rate and share settings. Maybe even store some info about each person's hearing loss profile to better match people with settings...

Of course, I haven't read the article yet, so this could be redundant.

Comment Re:no, they are still quacks. (Score 1) 305

Creating hybrids involves crossing to varietals to produce a third varietal, hoping for an improvement. It would be expected for the new strain to have characteristics that combine those of the two parents in some way, but it's not guaranteed.
Now, we put that on steroids. I would expect a random mish-mash of new characteristics along with some or all of the characteristics of the parents. That's what the steroids analogy does for me.

Genetic modification, in contrast, usually involves isolating the gene sequence for a specific trait that is desired in the new strain, then splicing the genes into an existing genome. Much more precise.

I propose a different analogy: if hybridization efforts were surgery, they would be done with a spoon. GM would then be like SURGERY WITH A SCALPEL!!! Horrors.

Comment Inward-looking facial recognition? (Score 1) 175

I was hoping for facial recognition of the actors that appear on television. It would save a lot of time flipping through the channels; imagine being able to tell your TV which actors (or newscasters) you enjoy watching and have all their televised appearances recorded for you, even uncredited cameos. You could get Star Trek, TJ Hooker, Boston Legal and Priceline commercials with one request! Utopia!

Former Exec Says Electronic Arts "Is In the Wrong Business" 180

Mitch Lasky was the executive vice president of Mobile and Online at Electronic Arts until leaving the publisher to work at an investment firm. He now has some harsh things to say about how EA has been run over the past several years, in particular criticizing the decisions of CEO John Riccitiello. Quoting: "EA is in the wrong business, with the wrong cost structure and the wrong team, but somehow they seem to think that it is going to be a smooth, two-year transition from packaged goods to digital. Think again. ... by far the greatest failure of Riccitiello's strategy has been the EA Games division. JR bet his tenure on EA's ability to 'grow their way through the transition' to digital/online with hit packaged goods titles. They honestly believed that they had a decade to make this transition (I think it's more like 2-3 years). Since the recurring-revenue sports titles were already 'booked' (i.e., fully accounted for in the Wall Street estimates) it fell to EA Games to make hits that could move the needle. It's been a very ugly scene, indeed. From Spore, to Dead Space, to Mirror's Edge, to Need for Speed: Undercover, it's been one expensive commercial disappointment for EA Games after another. Not to mention the shut-down of Pandemic, half of the justification for EA's $850MM acquisition of Bioware-Pandemic. And don't think that Dante's Inferno, or Knights of the Old Republic, is going to make it all better. It's a bankrupt strategy."

Comment Re:How amusing (Score 1) 209

Actually, based on demand for the story, she has no moral right to leave it unwritten. The courts should compel her to write the next sequel!

I think there was such a contract (not moral, but contractual) on The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, between his stints as Prince and as Prince. Seems his albums started sucking around that time...

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