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Comment Re:5 years for assault (Score 1) 339

If your family was not in law enforcement, it's much more likely you'd have have a bad encounter with a cop. Cops divide people into 3 groups - Cops, Cops' families, and scumbags. If you have cops in your family, you are likely getting a pass on all the bullshit a normal citizen has to put up with from law enforcement.

Comment Re:Official confirmation... (Score 1) 417

The Microsoft folks who visit here where I work at RealBigCo are all universally chirpy and cheerful describing how wonderful Windows 8 is going to be, and how we'll love using it so much. Their expressions fall like a newby chef's souffle when I pipe up and say "I heard it's going to be just like Vista crossed with Zune and Kin". I love poking at them...

Comment Make up your own title... (Score 1) 333

I always assign myself my own title and enter in the company's Exchange Global Address list, the place this outfit stores titles for people. I make it "System Programmer", my favorite old school IT title, or if I'm feeling expansive, "Master of the Devices" or "Final Interpreter of the Dogma".

Comment My voting strategy (Score 0) 153

I'm, a Libertarian, so I vote that party where possible. If there's no Libertarian candidate in a race, I vote republican, since Republicans are (very narrowly) more Libertarian than Democrats. But, when it comes to judges, if there's no Libertarian, I pick the Democrat, since on the whole, Democrats will be more reasonable in drug cases than republicans. For what it's worth....

Comment They need the Kuang Grade Mark 11 (Score 1) 91

He slotted the Chinese virus, paused, then drove it home. `Okay,' he said, `we're on..." `Christ on a crutch,' the Flatline said, `take a look at this.' The Chinese virus was unfolding around them. Polychrome shadow, countless translucent layers shifting and recombining. Protean, enormous, it towered above them, blotting out the void. `Big mother,' the Flatline said.

Comment Re:Easy (Score 3, Insightful) 1365

I dunno why everyone thinks Brave New World was depressing. It sounds like a utopia to me. I figure I'd at least be a Beta, which means I'd get some easy office job. Plenty of casual sex and drugs, none of conventional society's problems - what's not to like? A gram IS better than a damn. Everyone belongs to everybody else - paradise!

Comment Re:Long Foundation (Score 1) 74

He would be...but not of your memory. It's the Howard Foundation, not the Long Foundation. Lazarus Long was a member of the Howard families, and Lazarus Long wasn't even his real name, just one he adopted during the Masquerade. His real name was Woodrow Wilson Smith. it's funny this is starting in 2012, because, in the assorted Lazarus Long based books, the Howard Family members often mention the mysterious goings-on that happened at the Howard Families annual meeting in 2012.

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