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Submission + - Are SBCs really a great bargain?

walterbyrd writes: I think it is, at least debatable, The SBC is really not a complete system, it's just a motherboard , memory, and CPU.
To have a functioning system you will need: storage, power supply, keyboard, pointer device, monitor, and you will probably want a case as well. Add it all up, you are probably looking at well over $150.
Not long ago, I bought a new windows laptop for $65. That includes tax. I bought it at MicroCenter, it was made by Evolve. Not exactly a powerhouse, but it works. I see Windows laptops under $100 all the time, I see old Chromebooks under $50.

Comment Re:The range problem is easily solved. (Score 0) 153

The whole idea of containerized freight is: the entire trailer can be easily moved from truck, to train, to ship - you never have to even open the trailer.

If you are going to put the battery in the trailer, that would kill the whole idea. You might either have to unload the trailer, or ship the heavy expensive battery for hundreds or thousands of miles.

Comment Re:The speaker of the House (Score -1) 110

Watch "Police State" by Dinesh D'Souza to learn about how Christians are being brazenly attacked by our government.

BTW: I am not a Christian myself, I am agnostic. But the persecution of Christians in our nation is obvious to anybody other than completely brainwashed leftists.

There are some people in the USA who want the USA to be some kind of Christian theocracy, but they are a small, persecuted, and powerless, minority.

Comment Re:FreeBSD usually out-performs Linux in my book (Score 1) 71

This has been my experience as well. I am presently using RHEL 8.5, and I find FreeBSD faster, and easier administration. My hardware is, at least, 5 years old, and I have no problem with drivers. I have never been a great fan of systemd. My favorite linux distro is Devuan. I use RHEL because I think I should be more proficient on something that is more widely used.

Comment Re: Why does the media care so much about this? (Score 2) 52

No. It's because a now-convicted criminal was one of the largest donors in the election cycle, and the money that very likely swung the outcomes of elections was illegally gained via fraud and ponzi schemes. Seems like something worth getting to the bottom of. I can't imagine anyone not simply trying to protect their own "team" wouldn't want this fully resolved. And I'm not a republican.

Submission + - FreeBSD Beats Linux on Raspberry Pi ( 1

walterbyrd writes: Believe me, when it comes to the Pi (at least until the 4), FreeBSD is better than Linux.

It's better because the performance of it is unlike any other Linux distribution I've ever seen, even with cpupower activated and overclocking. Nope, no match — FreeBSD's performance on the Pi is still way better, even without overclocking.

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