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Comment Re:He expects Starship's first flight tests to orb (Score 1) 81

I believe an orbital starship can make it into orbit on it's own. Doubt they'll use a booster for any early orbital tests. Until you load down starship with cargo it's all good. The ultimate point to point starship for people, if it ever happens, won't require the booster for launch, or maybe some much smaller booster.

Comment Re:We can't build them on Earth (Score 1) 243

Yeah, but there are plenty of reactor designs that fail safe now. It's possible that they would want a system that would make more power vs weight and less safe, but most failures can be mitigated with proper design. The most dangerous phase for atmospheric contamination is probably landing the thing. A potentially better choice could be nuclear reactor in synchronous orbit beaming power to the surface...

Comment So wait. The cops are doing (Score 3, Insightful) 68

doing that what are payed to do? They have a good sized investigation force in addition to the troops on the streets. This is an fruitful avenue of investigation, so why wouldn't they follow it? The only way anyone would stop this is to use if for misinformation on a massive scale, but there's no way you'll get enough of the social media narcissists to go with that.

Comment Re:Don't make my diagnosis part of your dumb joke! (Score 1) 105

I was born alone, I will die alone - and I'm perfectly fine with that. Most aren't, but I am. I seem to be an outlier but that's fine with me too, were I wealthy enough to move away from civilization while still using the parts of it I want to on any given day - I would.

Comment Re:No such thing. (Score 2) 105

I was never bullied or hazed or etc, I just decided I don't like human interaction much. I do talk to assholes online some, but during this covid BS i've gone weeks without leaving my bedroom and love it. I have no real problem dealing with folks and do it readily when I'm getting paid to do it, but if I'm not getting paid - screw that. People in general are just assholes, I don't even like folks yet I'm perfectly nice to anyone until they aren't to me, then fuck em. But most folks just seem to be pricks, and I'm not really willing to deal with pricks unless there's something to gain - ie part of work, or buying groceries, etc... So I'm happy just sitting at home and keeping people at a far distance by interacting on the internet where I can just ignore if I want. As soon as I win the lottery and can afford to live completely away from civilization while still using the parts of civilization I like, I'm gone.

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