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Groupon Deal Costs Photographer a Year's Free Work 209

Andy Smith writes "One professional photographer in Somerset, UK, thought he was drumming up lots of extra business with a special deal on the Groupon group-buying site. Sadly he has ended up committing himself to nearly a year of unpaid work, plus he has to give out over 3,300 free prints." This analysis seems to be based only on the author's observations (rather than the photographer's experience), but the numbers are interesting. It can't work against everyone, though, or I bet there'd be fewer repeat advertisers on the daily-coupon sites.
The Internet

FTP Is 40 Years Old 253

An anonymous reader writes "FTP celebrates its 40th birthday tomorrow. Originally launched as the RFC 114 specification, which was published on 16 April 1971, FTP is arguably even more important today than when it was born. Frank Kenney, vice president of global strategy for US managed file transfer company Ipswitch, said that the protocol we know as FTP today is 'a far cry from when Abhay Bushan, a student at MIT, wrote the original specifications for FTP.' According to Kenney, the standard has grown from 'a simple protocol to copy files over a TCP-based network [to] a sophisticated, integrated model that provides control, visibility, compliance and security in a variety of environments, including the cloud.'"

Comment Re:Strong Opinion != Troll (Score 2, Interesting) 224

The technology behind KDE4.x is certainly several steps ahead of Gnome, but in terms of stability, I've yet to use KDE4 for any period of time without dealing with multiple application crashes. Whether this is a KDE problem or the applications themselves, I'm not sure, but it keeps me tied to Gnome for the time being for my day to day needs.

Comment Re:No System Shock? (Score 2, Insightful) 518

Glad to see someone mention these two gems. System Shock 1/2 and the Thief Series were among the best games released during their time. The day Looking Glass Studios closed their doors was the day that a significant portion of my faith in the PC gaming industry died. It seemed sick and cruel that such an innovative company could wither and die due to lack of profit while Blizzard ranked in cash hand over foot with a mediocre sequel to a mind-numbingly boring game (Diablo II).

Comment Re:More than you need (Score 1) 228

I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. That main convergence between RHEL and other distros is that RHEL is NOT designed as an all in one system - desktop, media center, internet, etc. It's designed around, as you said, enterprise use. You have server, adminsistration, and development workstation setups, but it is in no way designed to be a standard desktop replacement the way Ubuntu and similar distros are.

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